33 You're Fired

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The drive was hideous. They process me through the system as soon as we get to the building. They take my belongings, put me in a yellow jumpsuit, and send me to this common area where I’ll wait for my attorney. Apparently they already heard from him and he’s on his way. Luckily no one seems to recognize me, or care, because they don’t bother me.

An hour or so later, my representation shows up and they take me to an area where we can be alone. As soon as we sit down, I know I want a new lawyer.

“They already offered a deal and I think you should take it,” is the first thing that comes out of his mouth.

Shaking my head I look him in the eyes, “No.”

“It’s a really good deal. Hear me out,” he bargains.

I just stare at him without saying anything and I guess he takes that as an excuse to explain.

“They told me that they would send you back to England on their expense, annul your marriage, and all this will be expunged from your record. Plus,” he lifts his eyebrows, “your friend won’t get charged with Marriage Fraud.”

“Are you done?” I ask keeping my face straight. When he nods, I nod back and yell, “Guard!” When the security gets to the cell, I tell him, “I’m done here and I’ll need my phone call now.” Looking back over to the attorney as I put my hands through the grate to get cuffed, “You’re fired. I don’t want someone who automatically thinks I’m guilty to represent me. Thank you for your time. Your services are no longer needed.”

I get taken back to a cell since it’s getting quite late. They tell me I can have my call in the morning which I fully intend on making.

When I get to the phone early the next morning, I call my husband. I’m almost nervous he won’t be awake. I’m not even sure it’s light outside yet. It rings a couple times before I hear his voice, “Hello?”

“Hi, love.”

His voice sounds shaky when he lets out a ragged breath, “Damian, I’ve been so worried.”

“I’m fine love, but I do need a favor.”

“Anything,” he promises.

“Call Johnny and tell him I need a new lawyer. The one he sent was a right prat,” I tell him as I lean against the wall next to the phone.

“What happened?” he sounds worried.

“He just wanted to settle and get me out of the country. If it takes going to court, I’m going to court,” I make sure he knows that I’m not kidding. “You don’t have to be involved with this. I can just say it was a fraud and they’ll annul it, but I’m not getting kicked out of a country that I’m legally a resident of.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” his voice sounds with finality. “This isn’t a fake marriage and I won’t let them say it is.”

“Alright, well I can’t stay on, but call Johnny. Tell him I want someone better and if I have to pay more, I don’t mind.”

“Money’s never been an issue, babe. I’ll make sure he gets the best and let him know why. I’ll call Linda too, to see if she knows anyone.”

“Oh,” I remember, “and I’m coming into the city today for my arraignment hearing. I’ll need a suit. Can you grab one from the spare closet for me?”

“Of course.”

“Okay,” I nod even though he can’t see me. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Damian,” he breaths into the phone. “I’ll see you soon.”

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