16 Getting Closer

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Walking into the recording studio Tuesday morning, I feel exhausted as I sip my coffee. Toph holds my hand the entire way. I’m not sure if it’s to keep me up and walking or if it’s because he actually wants to hold it. Either way, I’ve been massively leaning on him the entire trip for support.

When we arrive, we are escorted to a boardroom that the four ‘superheroes’ of the movie are already waiting.

“Hey guys,” Joel calls out as we sit down next to each other on the opposite side of the table from him.

Slumping into the first chair I see, I grunt and slightly hold up my coffee before leaning into Topher, who took the chair next to mine.

My husband, on the other hand, puts his arm around me as he laughs at my laziness and greets everyone.

“Woke up late again?” Riel asks my other half from the head of the table as I practically lay on him.

He chuckles dragging his hand through my hair, “He turned off the first three alarms I set for him. Then, when I went in our room to see if he was getting dress, he was still in bed.”

“Too bad he doesn’t have a shower here to wake him up,” Ashley giggled from next to Joel.

They all used to laugh at me in the morning when I would come onto set half awake. They also thought it was funny that after a warm shower, I perked right up.

Tripp, sitting between Ashley and his girlfriend, gave Topher an apologetic look, “I thought she was bad,” he points to Riel, “I can’t imagine having to practically carry around someone my same build every morning.”

“You guys aren’t very funny,” I point out, not finding this conversation in the least bit amusing. “He’s not carrying me, Tripp. He’s just supporting most of my weight.” We all snigger as I lay the side my head on the table. “When is this supposed to start?” I ask around yawn.

“I assume someone should be coming in soon since you guys finally got here,” Riel raises a brow at me then shakes her head and looks at my husband, “You always used to arrive first when we had a meeting. I thought that, maybe, you would have a good influence on him. Looks like, he just dragged you to being the last with him.”

“I wasn’t always last,” I argue unconvincingly as I pick up my head to give her a disapproving look.

My best friend kisses the side of my head, “Yes you were, Day.” He, then, turns to our dark-skinned friend, “I was only there first because I was always eager to see him. Now, I get to wake up next to him. I no longer have to over-achieve.”

She rolls her eyes and looks back over to me, “You’re a bad influence.”

“You’re one to talk,” I accuse before letting out another yawn. “You let me get pissed and marry my best friend.”

We all laugh as she leans forward on the table, “I wasn’t the only one there. These guys,” she motions around the table before pointing directly at Toph, “especially that one, were all accomplices. Not to mention, you obviously wanted to since you’re not trying to get divorced. Everyone saw your Brikk Walford interview, don’t play innocent.”

“Everyone?” I question looking around to see our four friends nodding. “Ugh,” I let out a noise of distaste as I lay my forehead against my husband’s neck. Without moving, I mumble into his skin, “Don’t tell me everyone heard the radio show too.”

“I missed that one,” I peek to see Ashley raises her hand with a sour look on her face. “I totally forgot about it, and then Joel called me after to talk about it.” She turned to him and batted his shoulder, “You should have called me before.”

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