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"Christopher!" I call through the house. This house is too freaking big. I told him we don't need this much space, "Christopher!" When the baby slung against my chest starts to cry from the loud shouting, I hold our daughter tighter to me and making calming 'shh' noises.

If I have to try and find my husband right now, I'm going to kill him. I told him to be ready ten minutes ago. Now, we're going to be late.

He appears from around the corner with a struggling two year old wiggling in his arms. Even as Chris tries to hold him our sons is cackling and trying to run away. The sight makes me smile, but I quickly wipe it from my face when I realize again what time it is.

"We have to go," I lift a brow at him. "Are you ready?"

He throws a still giggling Sam over his shoulder as I rock Brie against my chest.

"I just have to put Monster's shoes on," his breath is a little labored and his smirk appears. He steps closer to me and kisses Brianna on her head before kissing me on the lips and heading out of the room with the blonde curls of our son bouncing behind him.

"If he doesn't hurry," I whisper to our cooing daughter, "you're going to grow up one daddy short."

Ten minutes later and we're out the door, twenty minutes late. We're supposed to be meeting with Linda and a few producers to talk about some movie deal. I didn't get much detail because she said she'd rather tell us in person, but we trust her enough that it wasn't a problem. She knows by now what we do and don't need.

Since we got married for the second time seven years ago, we've pretty much use Linda to manage both of us. Johnny still helps out when he hears of something, but it just got to be too much. It's easier with just one, plus she can compare our schedules together. Now that we have kids, one of us has to be home all the time.

We decided to have kids a few years ago. We really wanted to be more stable than we were. We traveled a lot after we got married. I've always wanted to see the world and Chris loved it too, but after years of that we wanted to settle down. Angela even volunteered to be our surrogate.

At first we were a little unconvinced because we didn't want her to have to feel like she was obligated, but she wouldn't give up. She said that she didn't want kids of her own because she wouldn't be able to do what she loves (she travels with the Peace Corps now). And with her as the biological mother and in vitro to make Chris the biological father, our children would be as genetically close to us as possible. We couldn't really argue that logic and let Angela help us.

We paid for all her expenses and she even lived in our house both times during the pregnancies. She was a bit of a handful for those nine months, but our kids were worth every second. Now she just comes around when she can to say hello or check up with us. She's been a real blessing.

When we show up to the restaurant that the meeting is taking place, we rush to get the babies out of the cold and inside the warm building. Brie goes back into the baby sling as I grab the diaper bag and Chris wrestles with our rambunctious two year old. Sam's always this crazy. I swear the child sneak candy while we're not watching; a sugar high is the only way I can explain it. But I guess he is his father's son.

Stopping at the hostess stand, I tell the young woman our last name and her eyes instantly get huge. After a few second of her not moving, I duck to look into her glazed over eyes, "Are you alright?"

Her graze flicks up to Topher then back to me. "You guys are Damon and Topher Ashton," she says it like a statement as if we may not know.

Chuckling lightly, Toph nods, "That's us."

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