36 Christopher Ashton

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“Prosecution calls Christopher Ashton to the stand.”

Halloran grabs my attention and before I know it I’m on my feet, “Oi!” I watch as my husband (whom I didn’t even know was here much less testifying against me) walks toward the witness stand. Gesturing to him I look at Bridget, “You weren’t going to tell me they’re using him against me?”

She grabs the arm of my jacket and tries to pull me back down, “I can’t do anything about it and it was better not to get you all worried.”

“No,” I say loudly and shake my head, not letting my arm drop, “it’d be better if these people wouldn’t try to use my husband against me, yea?”

The gavel sounds through the room and then Judge Everett’s voice, “Get your client under control counselor or he’ll be held in contempt.”

She finally pulls me down to whisper, “There’s nothing we can do. Let’s just get this over with.”

“Is it even legal?” I ask as quietly as I can.

She nods gravely, “They can subpoena him, but he can’t testify against you. He can explain things like evidence or situations, but they can’t use it against you. It’s very limited.

“Please state your name for the court,” I guess he was sworn in while I was talking to Bridget because Halloran takes over.

Christopher’s eyes look red-rimmed, but he straightens his back and speaks, “Christopher Ashton.”

“And please state your relationship with the defendant.”

“Damian’s my husband.”

“And you’re an actor, correct?”


“I’m sure the courtroom doesn’t need a list of your accomplishments. Someone who hasn’t seen something you’ve been in would have to have lived under a rock for twenty years. You’re very good at what you do, Mister Ashton.”

My husband’s cheeks pinks lightly as he says, “Thank you.”

“But I have something that isn’t one of your Hollywood starring roles.” Halloran motions toward the side room I was in a few minutes ago. Someone come out pushing a cart holding a large television set. “United States exhibit D, you honor.”

“Objection!” Bridget stands, “This evidence isn’t logged and I haven’t had an opportunity to look over it before he presents it.”

“We only just had it delivered to us during the break, your honor,” Halloran walks over to his table and picks up a folder. “We have the paperwork right here. I’d like to enter it into the case, please.”

The judge takes a second to look it all over and hands it over to Bridget, “He has all the right citations, Miss Madison. I’m going to have to allow it.”

My attorney shakes her head and reads over the folder as she walks back to the table. When she sits, I hear her let out a sigh, “This could break your case. It would have been nice to know it even existed.” She raises a well-manicured eyebrow at me, “Thanks for that.”

“What is it?” I ask unsure of what she’s talking about.

She waves her hand toward the screen, “You’re about to see.”

Halloran point a remote at the television and it comes to life. The blood drains from my face and I’m sure my heart stops beating for a few seconds. The video from Riel’s phone starts to play. Looking over to my husband, he looks like he’s about to vomit. I can’t blame him.

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