10 Our Wedding

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Dedicated to RosieMay for approaching me for an interview. It was fun and thanks for thinking of me!

After reheating the pizza and changing into some pajama bottoms, Topher and I sit awkwardly on the sofa in his lounge to watch a movie. It doesn’t go unnoticed that we have a bit of space between us. I’m not sure how long we kissed the second time, but I know that I had pulled away and mumbled something about being hungry and watching a movie.

“What do you want to watch?”

Shrugging my shoulders and feeling a bit naked and out of place, I answer him, “Doesn’t matter.”

“Action, Comedy, Romance,” he starts to list off as he picks up the remote from the coffee table next to the pizza and switches through the channels.

“Comedy, I guess,” unsure of my decision, I give him a timid look.

He sighs as the channels continue to fly by. The titles sail by so fast that it can’t be easy for him to read. His eyes never stray, though. He just watches as pages of movies disappear to be replaced by new ones.

“We’ve pretty much seen all the comedies that are out right now. How about,” he trails off as he stares at the screen. A few seconds later, the guide stills as he settles on a horror flick, “this one.”

“Ugh, why?” Toph knows I hate scary movies.

I don’t understand the point in paying for something to scare the shit out of you. Don’t you think if you wanted something to scare you, you could come go to some old abandoned building or take a walk in the middle of thug territory? At least, that stuff is free.

I even went as far as to tell my agent that I won’t even act in one. Horror flick are just not my thing.

“Oh come on,” he mocks, but there’s something in his voice he’s holding back. “We never get to watch these. They’re my favorite!”

Rolling my eyes, I switch tactics, “Aren’t you supposed to impress me into staying married? Because doing my least favorite thing is absolutely not the way to go about it.”

“Who said I was trying to get you to stay married to me?”

“You can’t back out of a bet.”


“Therefore,” I smile uncomfortably at my mini victory, “you have to do the stuff that I like.”

“Fine, then you pick,” my husband holds the remote out in front of me to take.

Sighing, I shake my head and let it fall into my hands, “I hate being uncomfortable with you. We can’t avoid this forever.”

“I told you how I feel,” without me needing to explain, he turns his body so that he’s facing me instead of the television. “You’re the one avoiding the subject.”

“How much of last night do you remember?” my eyes connect with his as I lift my head.

He rubs the back of his neck, but keeps his eyes on me, “I already told you.”

“Tell me again,” I urge as I face my body towards him.

“Day, I was holding you and we were kissing. That’s it,” but I hear the voice that Riel was talking about earlier.

I never noticed it before – why didn’t I hear it earlier? But that voice, it’s definitely there now. It’s just a tad lower than his conversational voice. I don’t think I would have caught it had I not been looking.

My eyes close on their own accord and I feel my head shake, “You’re lying.”


I cut him off, opening my eyes again to stare straight ahead, avoiding my ‘best friend’ – the one that’s supposed to always be honest to me, “Don’t lie to me anymore. I want to know what you know and why you’re not telling me the truth.”

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