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A year ago you stole my heart.
10 months ago, I gladly gave it away.
5 months ago, you tore it apart.
Now I think of you every day.

I don't want to write a sad poem about a broken love.
I don't want to tell you how I miss your voice.
Your words
Your touch...
I just want you to know
That I still love you so very much.
Because I'm sure you don't want to hear
About the broken heart I've had all year.

"Think of the positives" they say,
"And then the memories will fade away."
It's not that easy when you consume my mind
And make me want to say the words I couldn't find

You made me feel like I had found true love.
And I swore you were an angel from above.

So what did I do
To make you forget how to say "I love you"
What did I say
That would make you want to go away.

But now that you're gone and I am here
I wish more than ever that you were near.
Maybe I've be become obsessed.
But one day I'll forget the rest
Of memories we shared
And I'll forget that I ever cared.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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