Midnight Memories

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Chapter 1 ;


I watched the fire burn before my eyes. Those piercing screams inside the burning house scarred me for life. I watched as firefighters came in and out with burned to the bone bodies. It was to late to save them. My mom and my dad dead. Next my two year old brother's lifeless body, thats when my tears let loose. My older sister and my 8 yr old brother badly burned. They were gone. I was all alone. I cried helplessly running towards my younger brother but they stopped me. They wouldn't let me hold him for the last time. Tears streamed recklessly down my face. Where would i go? Where would I live? Who would take care of me? My grandparents and other relatives didnt care for us. It was only moments ago we were all sitting at a table enjoying dinner and now its over. I checked the mail as the mail carrier was late once again. I heard a scream then bright flames filled the house. It all happened so fast. I don't even know how the flames spread so fast but they did. I pulled my phone out to call for help and i was to shocked to move. Before I knew it cops and firefighters were everywhere. My family was gone. They were dead. Gone forever. 


I woke up sweat dripping down my face. I couldnt help but notice that tears were mixed in with the sweat. I rose from my bed. I had a meeting with i guess people willing to adopt me. I was 16. I was barely making it. I thought of suicide many times. I shook off the memories and went to brush my teeth. I took a quick shower and brushed my hair out then put it in a high bun. I through on my favorite floral crop top and black leggings adding my floral Doc Martens. I was nervous but i wasn't. I was scared if they would actually would take me, but at the same time I was pretty sure that they would throw me back. The orphange headkeeper came in frantic. "Kylie! Are you ready?" She said looking me up and down assuming the answer. "Trust me, I'll think these people are the ones. They are looking for a female your age and they have a daughter your age." She smiled reassuring. I admit maybe it would be alright. "Mrs. Lisa i'm nervous" I bit my lip feeling more nervous. I threw on some eyeliner. "Now I'm ready" I said holding my shaking hands together. She nodded silently and led me into a conference room. I noticed a women and a teenage girl sitting there. I smiled shyly. The women reached her hand out and I shook it. "Hello " She smiled. "I'm Debbie Edwards, and this is my daughter Perrie." She motioned. 'Perrie' gave me one of the dirtiest looks that I have ever seen in my life. Great. This was gonna be fun.

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