Midnight Memories

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Kylie's P.O.V;


I was blaring my music as usual. I heard a nagging noise on the other side of my door. I opened only to find my little brother throwing toys. He looked up and said a quick 'hi' then ran off giggling. "You're lucky I love you!" I yell playful at him which only makes him giggle louder. I go in my room and shut off the music. The Annual Derby was coming up. Meaning downtown was going to be crowded with people from random states. I was not looking forward to it at all. I left my room and walked up on my little brother who's attention was trained on Spongebob Squarepants. I picked him up and he screamed in laughter. These moments was the moments I loved. I never wanted to lose. I put him down and he smiled at me eating a cheese puff. I picked me up one and he threw another at me. I stuck out my tongue and he giggled. I swear I love his laugh. I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad working with a car part. He always did this and I acted like I was interested. "What's this?" I asked taking a bite out of the puff. "Brake pads. They're wearing thin we might have to replace them." I nodded grabbing a juice out of the fridge. I looked at my mom who was making dinner. "Sweetie will you hand me the pepper and an onion" She smiled while stirring a big pot of god knows what, but it'll be good. "Uh mom..where's Audrey?" I asked handing her the two items. "I think in her room" I nodded and walked the stairs to the first door on the right. I knocked softly. "Come in!" She screamed. I turned the knob and smiled at her sitting on her bed. Her nose in her science book. She always studied right before a huge test. Any other time she could give less of a fuck. "What cha up to?" I asked playing with her frilly blanket she has had since she was a baby. "This test on Friday. I'm like freaking out. First our teacher tells us it's just a review over the Earth's magnetic poles and then today she tells us its over everything we've learned since the begginning of the year. Like why?" She said slamming her book. "That's enough for one day" She explained putting in her backpack. "Let's go to the park" I said more of a statement looking out her bedroom window. The sun was still up and shining which was perfect. "Well let me get my shoes on and grab Riley to go." She grabbed her black boots and tied them up. I went to go look for my other brother who to busy in his game. "You want to go to the park?" I asked fixing my shirt. "Nah i'm good. maybe next time, I almost defeated this bad guy!" He exclaimed. I smiled at him "Okay buddy." I walked off. Little did i know this would be the last time with brother and sister.

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