Midnight Memories

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Chapter 2;

After I shook hands with both of them we took our seets. They sat on side of a table and i sat on the other. Mrs. Lisa excused herself and I couldn't but feel a bit lonely. I sat there and chewed on the inside of my lip. I looked up at them and found them whispering to each other. Great they were already talking about me..right in front of my face. I sighed and started talking "So, like are you guys wanting to adopt me..?" I asked nervously feeling Perrie's eyes piercing into me like every mistake i would make she would slap me. Debbie started speaking "Well Perrie's going on tour soon with her band and we thought it would be nice if we had like a 'replacement'." Oh. That's probably why Perrie's glaring. "So I'm gonna be there to entertain the family?" I asked letting the attitude show. Perrie rolled her eyes and spoke "No you'll just be there to help out." "Oh like a maid?" I asked still getting smart. Perrie sighed "No like just be there, we're adopting you into our family. You and I will become sisters and you'll be a daughter. You'll have a real family instead of" She looked around "this." Debbie smiled brightly. I couldn't help but notice their British accents. "Why are you guys in America?" I asked. Oops. That slipped. I meant to say it nicer but nope. Haha. Debbie's smile got bigger than i thought it could "Well, we all decided we liked the sound of an American." Well. "So we flew out here and you're our lucky winner" She continued. Perrie scoffed and i knew she didnt want to be there any longer "Do you want a new and better home?" I nodded slightly. Then, she finally smiled "Good, get packed sis.". I couldn't help but smile. "Oh but first" Perrie said before i could stand up "I can't wait for you to meet my girls and the guys." Debbie added in"I'm sure they'll love you, they were ecstatic to know we where coming to pick you up." I looked confused and they both raised an eyebrow. I finally said"So you were planning to get me?" They both nodded. I shook my head in response. Perrie stood up and decided to help me pack. We got up to my room and Mollie was up. "Looks like this loser finally got a home" she giggled. Perrie smirked at her and I smiled back "Yeah. They're pretty awesome". Perrie smiled at me. Like a real a smile. I could tell she wasn't faking it. 

After we packed everything and were heading downstairs, I turned to her and asked "How come you seem like you didnt like me..? Or like you didn't want me to be adopted..?" . Perrie sighed then gave me a forgiving look "I was just jealous. Felt like you were gonna take me life, ya know?" I nodded "Well i wouldn't. You were there first." She chuckled. "Yeah i guess so." We continued walking and I looked at her "So you're in a band?" She nodded. "A girl band?" i asked. She looked at me and giggled "Yeah, We all sing , the band is Little Mix" I gasped "Are you kidding me?!" I practically screamed. "Yes. Why?" She giggled. "I have your album DNA. I mean i knew you looked familiar but i would've never guessed Little Mix" She smiled big. "I love literally almost every song on that album." I knew me and her had hit it off. "Okay what your absolute most favorite?" She asked "Uhm.. I would say DNA , Change Your Life, Turn Your Face, Pretend It's Ok, and How Ya Doin' " Ok that was more than one. We put my suitcases in the trunk and she even sat in the back with me as we kept talking. She even sung for me. "Oh my, I love your voice" I said starstruck. Then i thought back to the conference room "Wait when you said 'girls' you meant-" She cut me off by nodding. I literally almost died. "So where are we going from here?" I said asking both Debbie and Perrie. They both agreed on a hotel tonight and catch a plane tomorrow. 

We arrived at the hotel and they both helped me with my suitcases. We checked in and we had a pretty big suite for just one night. It consisted of two large beds and a walk out balcony. A tub that could fit ten and a huge kitchen. I laughed as i walked inside and they looked at me strangely "I'm sorry, i just never had anything bigger than a two story house with only three bedrooms and one bathroom, this suite is bigger than all of it." They looked at me with sorry faces then Perrie asked "Would you like to talk about your before life?" , Her mom looked confused but I understood what she meant and I shook my head no. I wasn't ready to explain it. I wasn't ready to let tears stream down my face when i mentioned holding my little baby brothers hand for the last time or the gruesome memories of seeing them all dead. I felt tears jerk and ran into the bathroom. Sure enough there was a knock on the door and it was Perrie. "Kylie? Are you okay?" She asked knocking franctically. I sniffled quietly and yelled out a quick yes before wiping my eyes. I didn't leave the restroom until they were not red anymore. I wiped the eyeliner off and made sure there was no proof of  me crying. I put on my fake smile and walked out. Perrie looked at me worried. "Perrie?" I said as bubbly as i could. "Yes?" She answered still worried. "Why do you care so much?" I asked quietly. She smiled sweetly "You're my new sister." Next thing I knew she hugged me. I hugged back accepting her for real this time. Debbie walked towards us hanging up her phone. "Girls. Grab the suitcases again. We caught an early flight to  South Sheilds. " She smiled warmly and Perrie squealed with excitement. I froze and next thing I knew i became a nervous wreck.

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