Midnight Memories

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Kylie's P.O.V

I awoke to a worried Aaliyah and Perrie hovering over me. Perrie had a cold washcloth on my head and Aaliyah was holding my hand. I realized I was in bed. I heard the door open and Zayn came in and wanted to know if I was awake. I stretched slightly and spoke softly "What time is it?". As soon as I asked, everyone's attention turned to me. Perrie took the cloth off my head and helped me sit up slowly. "Are you ok sis?" She asked feeling my head. "Fine why?" I asked confused. "Well you passed out as soon as you uh walked into the house" Zayn chimed in. "Yeah, i guess we know now, that you don't like surprises" Aaliyah said sitting next to me. I nodded "Well then how did i get up here?" I asked. Perrie smirked "You're date carried you." I blinked still confused. My date.   I saw Zayn blush "I wasn't her date..." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I stood up cautiously and slowly walked to my drawers pulling out fluffy pajama pants and t-shirt. I walked into my bathroom and changed. When I came back I noticed Perrie was gone and Aaliyah and Zayn were waiting for me. "Do you need any help with anything?" Aaliyah asked frantically rushing to my side. "No, but thanks" I said smiling at her. "Well if you do text or call me." She said grabbing her sweater and phone heading towards the door. "I've got to go but i'll be here tomorrow" She said running and gave me a hug then left shutting the door behind her. Zayn was getting ready to leave. "Zayn" I asked and he turned around with his eyebrows raised. "Thank you,"I said sitting back on my bed. He smiled "Its not problem, im strong enough to carry an elephant" I smirked then sighed "Well, not just for that, thanks for the ice cream and paying the cab and yeah carrying me up here" I stood up again and hugged him. He hugged me back. I let go of the hug and soon he did to. Right before he left he turned and looked at me "Umm...Maybe one day would you uhh like to go on a date to get to know each other more..." He looked nervous. "Sure" I smiled. He returned it. He kissed my cheek "Goodbye" he said. "Bye" I replied. Like that he was gone. I smiled and turned to lay down. Soon i feel asleep.

Zayn's P.O.V

I can't believe I asked her out. She accepted. Gahh she was gorgeous. When should I set the date. Maybe the day after tomorrow. I made my way to my car and got in. I buckled up and put the key in the ignition. I'm so excited. I should make it a private date since the paparrazzi might think me and her are together and i'm cheating on Perrie. This was hard. This fake relationship, and all, I had to even kiss her. Even though there was no sparks in that kiss, we made it seem like it was real, She was just a good friend. But now it's too late to end the relationship because people will think something's wrong when its not. I pulled up to my flat and turned off my car. I slowly made my way to the house and unlocked the door. I shut it behind me locking it. I made my way upstairs. I laid in my bed i didnt bother changing because today was a long day, but i loved it.

Perrie's P.O.V

I left Kylie because I figured she would go to sleep soon. I made my way to my car and started it. I pulled up to Brian's house and let myself in. It was dark and I felt myself being pinned up against the wall harshly. "Where have you been you stupid bitch?!" I heard him yell inches from my face. I felt him spit in my face. "I was at home helping my new sister" I choked out. His grip got tighter "Yeah I bet you were. How's that pretty boy of yours doin'? Huh? Kissin him lately" I started to cry. "Don't cry you pussy!" He said slapping me acrossed my face. "B-Brian please!" I said softly. His fist came in contact with my stomach and i grunted "You filthy whore! All I do was love you and you cheat on me in public!" He yelled. He let his grip off letting me fall. When my feet touched the ground he kicked my stomach. "B-b-brian! I did not cheat i told yoy it's only for publicity." I cried. "Yeah well maybe if you quit that stupid little lesbian band you can break up with that faggot. And maybe just maybe i'll love you like we used to." He said. I heard creaking on his steps and looked up, a petite female stood there with only one of his shirts on. I looked down, "Brian? Whats going on?" She asked scratching her head. "Noting babe, just a whore that stopped by that won;t leave me alone" He said walking towards her. My heart clenched. I scrambled to my feet and left slamming the door behind me. I drove home and sat in the driveway crying for what seemed like hours. 

Kylie's P.O.V

I heard a car pull in and I sleepily looked out the window. It was Perrie's car. I saw her shadow sitting in it. I got worried and walked down there slowly. I walked out of the house to her car. I looked in and saw her crying. I knocked on the window and she rolled down the window "Perrie are you ok?!" I said taking notice of the big bruise forming on her face.

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