Midnight Memories

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Chapeter 3;

We loaded onto the plane and I was slowly becoming more anxious. Two reasons: I never rode on a plane and i was meeting a whole bunch of people that I didnt know. I sat in the middle between Perrie and Debbie. Debbie on the left and Perrie on the right. They kept telling me everything was gonna be great and not to worry. They told me all about my new family and the girls and they kept the guys a secret. Perrie was texting Jade back and forth. That's when I became really jealous, and of course Perrie noticed "Whats wrong sis?" She asked. I smiled shyly " I've never had a phone." She looked at Debbie and Debbie looked at me "Well than I guess we can stop by T-Mobile on the way home from the airport." Perrie smiled big at me. I mouthed a thank you. She nodded. "Um can i take a nap" Perrie answered me "Well the flights only about an hour but yeah." I chuckled"That;s all i need.". Soon i was out.

I awoke to a Perrie shaking me and smiling "Love, we're here. " She smiled and I stood up stretching. Perrie locked arms with me and we got off with a suitcase in our open hands. We walked in the building and I saw two girls holding a sign that read"Kylie and Perrie and Debbie<33" I couldn;t help but blush as Perrie forced me to run with her towards them. I recognized them and almost fainted. "Hey I'm Je-" "Jesy and Jade" I cut them off before letting them finish. They giggled and nodded . "Where's Leigh?" Perrie asked confused looking around. "She went to get us all drinks, Kylie she got you Mountain Dew..We didn't know what you liked" Jade smiled at me. "Its fine, I like Mountain Dew." They all smiled big. Debbie came up out of breath. "You girls ran quick." We chuckled together. I could tell i was gonna have fun. "Hey Guys!!" I heard a female yell. I turned and sure enough it was Leigh-Anne carrying a tray of drinks. Everybody got theres and I was the only one to thank her. "Kylie i love your shirt" Jade yelled as we walked out and Jesy and Perrie at the same time yelled "and those shoes!" I couldn't help but smile and say"Thanks, you've guys inspired my style."

On the way from home and stopping at T-mobile Leigh was helping me set up my new phone. I was excited. They were talking in funny voices. I laughed so hard my ribs started hurting. Debbie was ignoring us sitting next to the driver. The car stopped and so did I. I slowly looked out of the window at a huge house. Everyone looked at me and saw my cheeks turned red. I didnt want to move. I wanted to turn around and go back to the orphanage. But it was too late. I got out slowly and all the girls grabbed my suitcases before i could. I smiled nervously and they all led me into the house. Abunch of people were in there. 5 recgonizable guys and and abunch of others. Perrie told me she'd be right back and her and jesy left with my suitcases up the stairs. So Jade and Leigh-Anne introduced me to everyone. "I'm Louis" a brown haired boy with blue eyes jumped up and greeted me. "I'm Niall" a blonde haired boy with blue eyes greeted next. Although you could see his roots, like me. "I'm Liam and this is Harry and Zayn" The brown haired boy with big brown boys said as he motioned to the curly haired boy and the boy with the black spikes. A girl who was mixed and had the prettiest curls was sitting next to Harry, She jumped up and greeted me with confidence and a huge smile "Hi I'm Aaliyah" She said holding her hand out and I shook it "I'm Kylie" I noticed she had an American accent. She noticed i had one to because she said something "You;re from America?" I nodded and she continued "State?" "Kentucky." I replied and her eyes widened "Louisville?" She gasped. I nodded and she said"Oh my gosh! Me to" She practically jumped up and down. "What a coincendence " I said laughing with her. Perrie and Jesy came back down. Perrie smiled at me "Did you meet everybody?" She asked. "Not everyone" I said noticing the people in the back. I also couldn't help but notice Zayn staring at me. Perrie nudged me once she noticed to. I suddenly become confused..weren;t they dating? I continued to meet the people in the back and they were just more members of the family.

A few hours later me and Perrie were talking in my room after everyone left. "I seen you and Zayn" She smiled. "But wait.." I said looking confused again. "Yes?" she asked. "Arent you and him dating?" I asked. She just laughed and smiled"Honey, it's not a real relationship."

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