Chapter 14

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"Bella, if you don't mind me asking-"

"I probably will mind, Cissy, so watch your tongue."

Narcissa cleared her thought. "Do you think these visions you have will become true?"

Bellatrix was silent for a minute. She but her lip and sighed. "I do." She muttered, hoping and praying that she was mistaken. "To begin with, I knew exactly what's happening, maybe it's because I really am there, but now it's confusing, like my heads screaming something at me and I just can't make it out. If I'm right, I just need to enjoy the time I have with my little Cordelia." She looked down at her stomach, as if she was addressing her infant. "Before its too late."

"Oh Bella." Narcissa sighed. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"I want alcohol but that's not going to happen." Bellatrix whispered under her breath. "I'll have some water please."

"Please? Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?" Narcissa laughed, and walked out to fetch Bellatrix her water.

As soon as Narcissa had left, Bellatrix grabbed a knife from under the sofa she was sitting on. She then put it in her pocket and started to whisper.

"My baby." She whispered, a tear falling from her left eye. "It's silly isn't it. How I can love someone so much that I've never met. Cordelia. It's a pretty name isn't it. I hope it will suit you. Narcissa? You I know who that is? That's your aunt. She'll love you aswell, but not as much as me. I don't know what they are going to do. Or when they are going to do it, but this I do know. No matter what happens I will always love you, no matter if they make you a blood traitor and you hate me, or if you kill me, nothing can stop me. They can't take that away."

She felt a kick and smiled through her tears. "That's right," she laughed. "That knife if for you, you can slit throats with it,"

"I'm back!" Narcissa announced as she entered to room, holding two glasses of water. She noticed Bellatrix's face was wet with tears. "Bella, what happened?"

"Nothing." Bellatrix snapped quickly. "Just had a thought, can we go shopping."

Narcissa dropped both glasses, they fell on thane floor and smashed to pieces. Narcissa kept opening and closing her mouth and then closing it in shock, and Bellatrix started laughing.

"Come on Cissy, your not a fish!"

"Are...are you Ok?"

"Yes, actually I feel quite energetic, like I need to do something."

"Well you can't just walk into diagon alley, your Bellatrix Lestrange!" Narcissa said, not sure if she was protesting or not.

"I can wear a cloak."

"Fine," Narcissa sighed. "But if you get caught...."

"Oh Cissy, I'm not going to get caught." Bellatrix sighed. "As you said, I'm Bellatrix Lestrange, and I don't get sent to Azkaban when shopping."

That both apparated to the shops and started to go through everything for babies. Bellatrix was quickly regretting her decision as baby clothes and furniture was not what she referred to as 'fun'. Narcissa, however, had never looked happier. For the entire trip a smile was glued to her porcelain skin.

"Cissy, can we go home now." Bellatrix moaned.

"In a minute, I just saw the cutest little dress!"

"Cissy, I'm only having this baby for two weeks, it's not going to need summer dresses." Bellatrix said, her own comment unexpectedly saddening her.

"Alright then." Narcissa sighed. "But don't blame me if she needs a dress and you don't have one,"

Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now