reunited and it feels so good

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Daisy Bass had an unhealthy amount of butterflies fluttering around her stomach that day. It had been two years since she'd seen or spoken to her brother and she had a serious case of cold feet. Maybe she was overstepping the line, coming back to New York. She'd been on Gossip Girl lately and Chuck seemed to be having a fairly nice life. A pretty girlfriend, roommates with his best friend and well... his own Hotel.

The brunette inhaled sharply as her town car pulled up across the street from the Empire.

"This is it," she said out loud, her hand gripping the seat so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

Her assistant and driver, Jeremy, a middle aged man she'd met at boarding school in London turned his head back to face her.

"You've got this," he said in his comforting British accent.

"Maybe it's a bad idea," Daisy bit her lips nervously. "I mean, what if Chuck doesn't want to see me? That would be understandable."

"Why on earth would he not want to see you?" Jeremy questioned.

"Well, a number of reasons actually."

"Right. Get out of my car and make things right with him before I chuck you out myself," the man smiled, kindly wrinkles forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Thankyou for everything." Daisy spoke, her voice so nervous it came out almost like a whisper.

The man smiled again, getting out of the car and opening the door for her. Jeremy passed Daisy her suitcase and patted her on the back.

"Off you go," he said.

Daisy grinned painfully and looked up at the hotel.

"Go!" Jeremy chuckled, before heading back to his car.

And with that, he was gone, and the brunette crossed the road.

Being a true Bass through and through, Daisy had of course planned a dramatic entrance. She would call anonymously for Chuck to come to the lobby, where she would surprise him by spinning around in a chair ( Daisy was certain they would have spinning chairs, she knew her brother well enough ) and say something along the lines of 'I've been expecting you'.

The lobby was grand, but Daisy Bass was no stranger to grand. As she stood there, the girl felt overwhelmingly proud of her older brother. He really had worked hard on this place, you could see it even after only a second of being in there.

"Daisy?" A familiar, slightly raspy voice said.

The brunette turned her head quickly to see her brother, looking rather astounded. He was alone, and wearing a coat and scarf as if he were about to go out. Scarves had always been Chuck's trade mark, back in the day. He looked so different, though. His goofy haircut had been snipped off, leaving him with a neat trim. The scarf Chuck was wearing now was a woollen one, probably cashmere, unlike the silk ones he used to wear.

Daisy grinned, a tiny bit miffed that her grand entrance had ruined, and tackled the taller boy in a hug. He seemed startled, at first, and his arms remained by his sides but he quickly wrapped them around her. When the girl pulled away, a grin was plastered on his face.

"It's been so long, Charles," Daisy smiled, feeling her eyes sting a little.

"W-why are you back all of a sudden?" The boy questioned.

"I... well I thought it was time to come home. I missed everyone," she replied. "Do you want to go somewhere to talk?"

"Yes. I was just about to go out for a walk," he said. "Come with me?"

"Of course. I should book a room first, I don't want to lug my suitcase around."

"No, stay with me in my penthouse," Chuck insisted. "I'll have someone send your bags up. Nate wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch so you could have his bed."

"I'm sure he would mind." Daisy said.

"No, trust me," her brother smiled. "He usually ends up there at the end of a night anyway."

Daisy beamed. "I'm so excited! We'll be roommates!"

And for that moment, everything seemed like it was going to turn out just fine.

[ n o t e ]
sorry for the short ass chapter, but it's a definite improvement ( I hope ).

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