little sis

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Chuck shivered in the chill fall breeze as he walked through Central Park alongside his little sister. The park was a beautiful syrupy colour, all the leaves had turned dark and most had fallen off so they paved the path like golden paving stones.

"I still can't believe you're back." Chuck stated, which was entirely the truth.

For the past three years, he had got used to life without a younger sister and ,just as he was feeling steady, she came right back into his life. It was so like Daisy. She was such a spontaneous girl, always coming up with things on the spot with usually no warning. Sometimes this was good, and exiting but a lot of the time it was a nasty shock.

"I can't quite believe it either," Daisy responded. "But it feels so right to be home again."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why didn't you come back? After Bart died."

Silence. Daisy seemed awfully interested in her shoes.

"Well?" Chuck questioned, a little angry now.

"I don't know, Chuck!" Daisy stopped in her tracks and faced him. "Maybe because I was banished to London by him and I never got to say goodbye."

"I'd never thought about it like that," Chuck said quietly. "I didn't get to say goodbye to him either."

"At least he wanted you in the country," Daisy mumbled. "He was glad to get rid of me."

"Look, it's no secret that Bart had some.... parenting issues with you."

"Putting it mildly." Daisy muttered.

"But he shut me out just as much as he did you, just in different ways."

"Let's not talk about Bart." Daisy decided. "I'm back, and I want to have a fun first day."

"Agreed," Chuck grinned.

He'd missed his sister, despite how annoying she may be.

"Any good new bars in Manhattan?" The girls lips stretched into a playful smile.

"You came to the right guy."

Blair sat at her dressing table and applied another layer of lipgloss, turning around to face Penelope, Kati ( her minions ), and Serena.

"I have a hunch. I've got a bad feeling about that Eva girl," she insisted.

Serena groaned. "Not this again, B!" The blonde said. "She's perfectly nice. You've only got a problem with her because you're not over—"

"Don't!" Blair stopped Serena in her tracks.

"The fact that you know who I was about to mention proves my point," Serena crossed her arms. "This obsession with his girlfriend is unhealthy?"

"I most certainly am not obsessed," Blair challenged. "I'm just... curious, and suspicious."

"I'm telling you, B. Stay out of it." The blonde said firmly.

Blair rolled her eyes.

"So B, are we gonna plan a scheme against this girl or what?" Penelope asked excitedly, a hungry undertone in her voice.

"'We' are going to do nothing. If I'm going to scheme I'll do it myself thank you very much." Blair rolled her eyes again.

Everyone's phone suddenly buzzed, which meant only one thing: a Gossip Girl blast.

The three girls all immediately looked down to check what drama might be happening. Each one of them hoping it wasn't about them.

"Oh my god," Blair said.

"Oh my god!" Penelope screeched.

"Daisy's back in town?!" Serena yelped.

The three girls exchanged a glance.

"Why would she come back after two years?" Penelope exclaimed, obviously very excited.

"How am I supposed to know?" Blair zoomed in on the photo on Gossip Girl.

Daisy looked like she always had, bold, beautiful and well dressed. The girl had always been Blair's sort of project when they were kids, the girl had helped Daisy shape her style but Daisy proved to have a style of her own nowadays.

"She looks gorgeous," Katie murmured.

"She was in London, wasn't she?" Penelope simpered.

"I think so." Blair cut in, eager to turn the attention back to herself. "But anyway, Eva—"

"I love that coat!" Kati kept her eyes fixed on the bright light of her screen.

"It is cute," Serena chimed in.

Blair glared at her best friend, who didn't look up from Kati's phone.

"So none of you want to hear about a party I'm hosting?" The queen bee growled, arms folded.

Serena, Kati and Penelope all abruptly looked up from their screens.

"Party?" Kati and Penelope said simultaneously.

"B, what party?" Serena inquired.

"I'm hosting a party, here," Blair spat. "Tomorrow night."

Truthfully, Blair was just making it up. She'd not planned to host a party, nor did she think she had the time to plan it but she'd said it now.

"How come we haven't heard about this before?" Serena asked, playing with a loose strand of golden hair hanging from her perfectly messy bun.

"It was going to be a surprise, but I need help with planning," Blair said, slightly worried.

How she was going to plan a party in one day, Blair hadn't a clue.

"What's the occasion?" Kati asked.

"Do I need one? I just wanted a party," Blair said firmly.

A plan was forming in the queen bee's head. One involving the party, Chuck and Eva.

"I look forward to it B," Serena beamed, and looked down at her phone, which had vibrated. "But I have to go, my mom and I are getting take-out."

"Bye, S," Blair smiled, standing up to give her best friend a hug.

Honestly, Blair was glad Serena was leaving. It gave her some time to plan a scheme with her minions. And a party...

[ n o t e ]
friendly reminder to read my other book!!!!! It's fun and easy to read bc you don't actually have to read!

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