got a secret, can you keep it?

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It had been almost a month since Daisy and Jacob had broken up. Nate had been an unexpectedly helpful person recently, ever since he'd turned up on her doorstep a month ago. A part of her still wanted Jake, but with Nate she almost managed to forget about him.

There were people who didn't approve of their friendship, of course. Serena Van Der Woodsen was one of them, even though the two of them were long broken up. The it girl didn't say anything, but Daisy had noticed a few cutting glances being thrown in her direction whenever the two hugged.

The Snowflake Ball was in two weeks, but it's allure had faded for Daisy. She didn't have a boyfriend to go with her, so nobody would be jealous of her and that took most of the fun out of it. Daisy couldn't ask Nate, he was older and sophisticated, not the type of boy who would go to some stupid Christmas dance. So it seemed that the girl was considering something that had seemed out of the question to her a month ago: not going to the ball.

Gisela had become more and more unbearable to be around as the days went by. All she seemed to be able to talk about was what she and Theodore Baizen were doing on the weekends and how romantic he was. She hoped it hadn't been this infuriating to hear her speak about Jacob like that. If so, it was a wonder Daisy still had any friends.

One Monday morning at breakfast, when Daisy was feeling rather grim, the girl's phone began ringing loudly. She excused herself from the table and answered the call.

"Hello?" She said, waiting for a response.

"Is this Daisy Bass?" Asked a familiar British voice.

She knew she recognised the voice, but couldn't put her finger on who it might be.

"Yes. Who's asking?"

"You don't recognise my voice?" The girl laughed. "You little bitch!" She joked.

Suddenly it hit her.

"Oh my god Jaz is that you?" Daisy squealed.

"You miss me, hot stuff?"

Back in London, Daisy had grown close with one particular girl named Jaz Addington. They had spent countless nights sneaking up to the roof together and smoking the finest English spliff. Nobody does weed like British kids, something Daisy learned at boarding school (and from watching Skins UK).

Jaz came from a wealthy family who owned most of the large department stores in London. A boring trade to be in, but one that made easy money. Together, Jaz and Daisy were the most popular and sought after girls at school.

"Of course," Daisy smirked. "Where are you?"

"On my way to Manhattan," she replied. "You free in seven hours?"

"I'll make sure my schedule is clear."

Daisy sauntered in to Constance with a smile on her face that morning. Suddenly nothing annoyed her. Not Jenny, not the watery coffee she'd been served in EAT, not even Gisela Matthews. She was on top of the world.

"Morning Gisela," the brunette said brightly, as she got her books out of her locker.

The redhead smiled back, leaning against her locker.

"Morning Daisy," Gisela said. "I'd love to chat but I told Theo I'd meet him... sorry."

A nerve in Daisy's brain sizzled furiously. Okay, maybe her good mood couldn't stretch to Gisela, but Daisy wouldn't let it faze her.

"Bye then," The girl said sharply, with a sarcastic smile.

Gisela had gone from the least unbearable to the most of Daisy's minions so quickly. Her presence had become notably infuriating for the girl. The redhead gave Daisy a puzzled look, like she couldn't tell why the girl was so annoyed at her, before skipping off into the arms of Theodore Baizen.

Daisy rolled her eyes. She was about to head off towards class when she heard hushed voices around the corner from her. One of them she instantly recognised as Jacob's. Daisy felt a sharp pang in her heart. The girl crept forward, only to see Jacob and Ella in an empty classroom talking like something had gone very wrong.

Her heart stung a little, like it was telling her to keep moving and forget about it, but her mind wanted to know what they were talking about. She pressed her ear against the door and listened.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me this sooner!" Ella said in an angry but hushed voice.

Tell her sooner? Alarm bells rang in Daisy's head. This didn't seem like the sort of conversation two people who didn't know each other very well would have.

"I'm sorry! I had just broken up with Daisy," Jacob responded, sounding hurt.

The sound of his voice sent an electric shock of sadness through Daisy's brain but she turned her mind back to the conversation quickly. Why did this squabble have anything to do with Daisy and Jacob's breakup? Something weird was going down.

"I needed time," Jacob said sadly.

Despite herself, Daisy couldn't help but smile a little. He was upset about the breakup.

"Oh please, you know you like me more," Ella said.


"That's not the point," Jacob said. "She knows! Or at least she's onto something."

"As much as I'm annoyed that you didn't tell me," Ella began. "I think it's fine. She might've stopped researching me as soon as you broke up. She probably doesn't want to be reminded."

"No. I know Daisy, she would probably want to keep going if anything," Jacob said gravely. "We have to stop her, she can't know."

Daisy had to force herself not to gasp. This had everything to do with her. She was on track to find out something big about Ella, something Jacob already knew. The girl felt a rush of adrenaline course through her bones. She wasn't going to stop digging until she knew every last gory detail about Ella's past.

As for Jacob? He had lied to her about Ella and she wouldn't forgive him for that. Daisy was going the make him wish he never let her go.

But first she needed to see her long lost best friend...

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