CHAPTER 5: Surgery

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♥Hellooooo :)

Hope you are all enjoying. Please read my other Little Mix fanfic!


-"You'll be fine", I told my mum, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

-"Excuse me, when will she be able to be out of here?", I asked the nurse.

-"You'll need to write your phone number and some stuff down here so we will contact you in case of anything", she said, handing me a paper with stuff to fill in.

I filled in the paper with the information and gave it to the lady.

-"Thank you, we will call you", she said, and I went out of the reception to meet Niall.

-"She'll be alright", he assured me, grabbing my shoulder and squeezing his embrace.

-"I hope so", I mumbled.

We went down the elevator and to the parking lot.

I swooped into the passenger seat and sighed.

Niall started the car and we drove to my house.

-"Would you like to come in?", I asked Niall.

-"Sure, I have nothing better to do anyway", he said.

We walked inside and I offered him a cup of tea, which he accepted.

-"So why do you look like that?", Niall asked, pointing at my face.

-"What?", I asked, confused.

-"You're not wearing your usuall thick makeup", he said.

-"I'm not?", of course not.

-"Yeah, and you're wearing the shirt I gave you for your birthday last year", he said.

-"Oh. I still hate it", I teased. He chuckled.

-"You look good though", he said.

-"Shut up", I said, slapping his arm.

I sat down and put my face between my arms and leaned on the counter.

I started to organize every fuck-up in my mind. Karl literally gave me to the strip club. Well, not really a strip club but something like that.

-"Are you okay?", he asked.

I didn't notice I had started to breathe heavily.

I lifted up my head and cleaned the tears.

-"Are you okay? What's wrong", he asked.

-"My brother gave me to a club as a replacement of this slut called Heather", I said, choking through the tears.

-"Gave you?", Niall asked.

-"He prefers his new lover than his own sister", I said, and broke into sobs.

-"Oh Jade, I'm so sorry", he comforted and rubbed my back.

-"I'm starting tomorrow", I said, sniffing and wiping off the tears.

-"Do you really have to?", he asked.

-"I suppose. Or else they're going to beat me up or some shit. That Heather bitch had a swollen eye", I said.

-"I'm sorry Jade", he said once again.

-"It's alright", I said. No it's not alright.

I spent the afternoon alone untill the sky was dark.

Then, when I heard a vibration on my jacket pocket I picked up the phone.

-"Hello?", I said.

-"Hello, are we communicating with Jade Thirlwall?", the woman said,pronouncing my last name incorrectly and saying something like Thrilwole.

-"Yes", I said.

-"We would like you to come to the hospital and see your mother please.", she said.

-"What? Why?", I said.

-"She might need an immediate surgery. We will tell you the details when you arrive, miss", she said.

-"I'll be right there", I said.

I hung up and immediately called Niall.

-"Hello?", he said.

-"Niall, I'm sorry but could you take me to the hospital again? It's an emergency", I said.

-"I'm very busy right now, are you alright though? I coudl tell Zayn to go, he is at his house probably", Niall said.

-"I'm fine, and okay. I'll call him.", I said.

I hung up and dialed Zayn.

-"What's up", he said.

-"Zayn, it's an emergency. Can you please take me to the hospital?", I asked.

-"Why? Are you okay?", he asked.

-"Don't ask now, but please can you?", I asked.

-"Sure, but you need to tell me", he said.

-"My might mum need a surgery", I quickly said.

-"I'm on my way", he said.

I started biting on my black polished nails and paced back and forth.

After a few minutes I heard Zayn's car.

I rushed out and sat on the passenger's seat.


-"So if she had arrived here to the hospital later, she might have passed away", the doctor said.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand.

-"How much will that surgery cost?", I asked.

-"We don't exactly know, but probably a lot", he said.

I gulped and looked down.

-"Can you give me a second?", I asked.

-"Go ahead", he said.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Then I felt salty tears sliding down my cheeks.

-"Hello?", a man said through the phone.

I was calling the club. I had the number in case I wanted to contact my brother.

-"Hi, this is Karl's sister, Jade", I said in case they knew me.

-"Who..? Oh. Hello doll", the man said, sending shivers of disgust down my spine.

-"Are you going to pay me?", I asked.

-"Costumers give you money. Half if ours, half is yours", he said.

-"Okay", I said and hung up.

I breathed heavily and decided I should just work hard and try to make a deal with that doctor.

-"I'll pay you, I swear. But it will take some time. You have my data in a paper so if anything happens you will be able to acuse me for whatever shit I do", I told the doctor. he scrunched his nose for my vocabulary and I apologized.

-"Alright. Take your time miss. We'll contact you", he said and walked away.

I'm going to work hard for my mum.

But Karl really owes me a big one.

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