Chapter 1: Animosities

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Chapter 1: Animosities.
Learning to live in Middle Earth was certainly not easy.
But you'd managed for the last twelve years, so it was, apparently, possible.
Admittedly, it had become easier over time, and by now you knew you'd struggle to even turn on a- what's it called? That thing with the overly colourful moving pictures? Ah well. Never mind.
But more on those struggles later.
Right now you were doing what you did best. Exploring. And whilst exploring mines wasn't quite your favourite pastime, it was still better than sitting around staring at one of those boxes with the moving pictures. You almost had it then!
So, there you were, in the mines of Moria, when you heard voices and a great deal of shouting.
You immediately camouflaged yourself against the stone wall and pulled up your blue, travel-stained hood. You pulled your longsword from the air.
Now it was time for some fun.
You allowed for the distraught group of travellers to pass before stepping out into the middle of the path, sending a wave of fire behind you (which gave you a great silhouette when paired with your billowing cloak and sword) and spoke with a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once.
"Who goes there?" You whisper, the distorted words bouncing off the walls.
They do not answer.
"I asked you a question!" Again, the harshly whispered words bounce off every surface.
"I- I might ask you the same!" The dark ranger answered. He couldn't see you properly, of course- you could only see him because you have magically enhanced senses that even the elves would be jealous of. Not to brag, or anything.
You hear laughter from the back of the group.
"Who dares laugh at my power?" Another harsh whisper.
"A good friend who knows well your game."
You choose to ignore him for the moment, as you recognize the voice.
"Aragorn, son of Arathorn, answer me to what I ask of you. What is your business in these parts?"
"Answer first to my question- how do you know Boromir?"
"Oh, Y/N. Time to show yourself." Boromir says, still choking back his laughter.
You light up the tunnel pale white, and push down your hood. But instead of relief, you are met only with gasps and your brother's smile.
It was to be expected. You were somewhat infamous for your wicked deeds. But only one of the stories they told were true!
Oh yeah, a television. That's what the thing was called!
The halflings just looked confused. They didn't know who you were. But they were staring at the belt of finger bones you wore.
But the elf certainly did. "She's the Bone Witch!" He spoke in your harsh whisper tone to Aragorn.
"How do you know Boromir?" Aragorn asked again.
"He's my brother."
He wasn't technically your brother, but he may as well have been. And they didn't have to know that.
"I didn't know you had a sister! Why didn't you say?"
"It never really came up in conversation." He states simply.
You smile at him, and he pushes past the elf and the dwarf to hug you.
"It's been so long!" He says. "I've missed you!"
"You missed a murderer of my people." The elf, Legolas, stated, still in shock from seeing you without already being dead.
"I've only murdered elves who didn't deserve life."
"And who are you to be the judge of that?!" He draws his knives.
But before he could make any move he is pinned to the cave wall by a (literal) handful of throwing knives.
Gimli, the dwarf who was rather impartial to the entire situation, gives a great huff.
"Can you get yourself free, elf? Or do you need some help?" You ask tauntingly.
You snap your fingers and the knives fly hilt-first into your waiting hand. You then drop them and they disappear before they can hit the ground.
"Let that serve as a warning to you, elf. Next time you bad-mouth me the results will be far more painful, I promise."
"Besides being Boromir's scary sister and being the 'Bone Witch', who are you?" Asks Merry, one of the hobbits.
"I cut off the arm of this elf's father with a blunt blade. I destroy those who dare disrespect me. I wear their bones as trophies and still I kill more."
He looks scared.
"But whilst that's all true, I don't kill anyone whom I don't think deserves it. I don't usually favour torture but Thranduil insulted everything I stand for. I care for my family and my people and in Gondor I am well-liked and well-respected. I've been travelling Middle Earth for the past two years, in which time I have had no contact with my brothers or with my father, which is why it is so great to see Boromir today. I have had no quarrel as of yet with any hobbit, and I should like for it to stay that way. You have nothing to fear from me, Merry, unless you yourself are the cause. And no, Frodo," you say, turning to him, "I have no interest in possession of the Ring, as I can probably do more without it than I can otherwise, so you need not fear in that respect."
"How was that?" You add, directed to your brother, in a language only you, him, and Faramir understood.
"Perfect." He answered.
"What accursed language do they speak?" Legolas asked Aragorn in Elvish.
"I can understand you, you know!" You informed them.
"I don't know." Aragorn answered the elf. "What quarrel did she have with your father?"
"He would never tell me."
"Shouldn't we be going now?" You ask Aragorn.
"We!" Legolas spluttered.
"Is that a problem, elf?" You ask as condescendingly as you can.
"No, I mean yes, I mean-"
"She can come, Legolas." Aragorn says. "She may yet be of use."
A grunt of anger from the elf, but he makes no further complaints.
"I take it Gandalf just died?" You say to your brother in your secret language.
"Yes. He did. Could you not have shown up earlier?"
"My dramatic entrance would have been more like the entrance of a fly- no one would notice until it was too late. Besides, there was plenty of fire without me."
"Legolas is in a more sour mood now, though."
"What did you say about me!" Shouts Legolas from near the front of the group.
"Only that you're just like your father." You say sweetly.
"Didn't you hate my father?"
"Exactly." You say offhandedly.
Legolas grunts but does not answer.
"Keep your cool, Legolas." Says Aragorn in a low tone.
"But she-"
"I know."
"This is way too much fun." You say to your brother.
He smiles but does not respond.


A/N: Thanks for reading the first chapter of my Lord of the Rings fanfiction! Votes are greatly appreciated!
The story is also available on my side blog on Tumblr, @that-fanfic-scribbler169. More chapters are always there if you want a sneak peak!
If you haven't already seen the video, first off, how? And secondly- don't miss it! But maybe don't watch the ten hour version unless you're really dedicated.

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