Chapter 4: The Ninth Member

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"Tell me, where is the ninth member of the Fellowship?" Asks Celeborn.
"We made no mention of a ninth, but I presume you mean Gandalf."
"No, I do not speak of the wizard, though you would prefer me to, I am certain."
"Look who I've found." Says Haldir, interrupting. "She was invisible out in the woods. It was pure chance I found her. My sword touched her arm and she appeared." He pulls forward your unconscious body, your arms chained with silver shackles.
"Let her go." Boromir warns, seeing your wrists.
"Tell me why I should." Says Celeborn.
"You know the silver in those bonds burns her."
"Oh yes, I'd quite forgotten. I can see the smoke rising now that you mention it."
"Let her go." Says Legolas. He pulls out his bow and nocks an arrow. The surrounding guards pull their weapons, but Galadriel puts her hand up to stop them.
"Funny. I'd have thought you'd be the last to want to help her." She says.
"This journey will be long and hard and, as much as I am loath to say it, we need her on our side."
"No other reasons?"
Legolas' eyes fall in submission. "None."
"Very well then. But she will not be greeted well by my people."
"Of course, we can hardly expect such a thing." Says Aragorn, glancing curiously at Legolas.
"But she will be treated the same?" Asks Boromir.
"We will try."
"You would have an enemy of our people walk among us, unhindered!" Says Haldir to Galadriel.
"We have no other choice, Haldir. She will have to be here in order to help them further into their quest."
"Could she not stay imprisoned?"
"No. The Fellowship require her trust."
Angrily, Haldir leaves.
"Release her." Says Celeborn.
The guards unlock your chained wrists.
Your brother rushes over to you, but Legolas still catches a glimpse of the deep burns where the chain had touched your skin, and the lighter mark where the blade had touched your arm. He knew not what to think of it, besides that no one should be forced to suffer that pain.
The guards lead your brother, carrying you, to a healer. But the healer could do nothing, for these were magical burns, and you were lain in a bed to recover for the night.

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