Chapter 2: Troublemaker

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Once out of the mines, the Fellowship allow a moment for grieving, before moving on.
In truth, a little longer may have been necessary. There are still tears in the eyes of the hobbits and even Gimli had shed a tear. But Aragorn (who, also, clearly did not like you) insists on moving on, despite Boromir's protests.
After a while, you get bored, despite having been chatting with your brother. So you do what any other self-respecting witch would do- you vanish.
Your brother is the only one to notice at first, and his only reaction is to laugh and shake his head.
Flitting between the members of the fellowship, you manage to steal six of the elf's arrows before he notices the pressure against his back. But since Legolas can't see you, he blames Pippin, who is walking behind him. "Do you think I can reach up there?" Enquires Pippin.
"Who else would have done it?" You adjust your invisibility so that Pippin and only Pippin could see you. He struggles to contain his laughter.
"Give me back my arrows!" Says the elf, oblivious to your presence.
"I don't have your arrows!"
"Well, who does?!" "I can't tell you that." Laughs Pippin.
"Where's the witch?" Shouts Aragorn as he turns to see what all the shouting is about.
"Right here," You say, reappearing next to your laughing brother, "and my name is Y/N."
"She's stolen my arrows!" Shouts the elf, seeing them in your hand.
"Some, not all." You say, laughing.
"Troublemaker." Boromir says in a low tone to you, shaking his head.
"And she let me blame Pippin!" Says Legolas.
"An unfortunate side effect. I can hardly be blamed."
"She'll be the death of us all!" Finishes the elf.
"Oh, don't be so overdramatic. I'm hardly likely to kill anyone I have no quarrel with. You, however, are not so lucky."
"She just threatened to kill me!"
"Quit complaining. We've still got a lot more walking to do." You snap.
"Y/N," says Aragorn as the group continue, "must you be so childish? Your feud is with the father, not the son."
"He might as well be his father, in both appearance and action."
"All you know of him is his hatred of you after knowing your identity and having heard the stories. I've heard the stories myself and they are anything but flattering. But I know that few of the stories are true- I have heard too many rumours on your appearance- three heads, four arms and four legs, eight fingers on each hand, to name a few. But his father taught him to fear you- his father has met you himself. He gave his son no evidence of your evils being myth. Legolas has no way to know the truth. Give him a chance to get to know the real you- you'll soon find his views are not his father's."
You sigh. Aragorn has a point. "But he won't get to know the real me if he thinks so poorly of me."
"He is not his father." He refuses to say more.

The Bone Witch- A Legolas x Reader LOTR FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now