Chapter 3: Blindfolds

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Excluding causing the rainwater to fall from the branches of a tree onto the elf, you don't really bully Legolas much further.
You're invisible again as the Fellowship enter Lorien. You figure the elves would not be all too pleased about your presence. Nor do your people trust elves on any level, but despite your brother's protests and your own, the Fellowship enter the woods of Lorien.
A few too many rants on the beauty of Lothlorien from Legolas later, and Legolas, Frodo and Sam end up in a tree amongst some elves who seem unaware of your presence. You hear Legolas tell the rest of the Fellowship that they may rest in the tree overnight, and that they will move on by morning. You, being invisible, had been in the tree with the elves, listening in, and were surprised to note that Legolas did not mention your presence. You were safe, for now.
You sleep on the ground to avoid the off chance of an elf tripping over you and being alerted to your presence.
You learn the next day that the elves expect Gimli to be blindfolded on the walk.
After some (a great deal of) arguing, it is agreed that the entire Fellowship is to be blindfolded to avoid any form of discrimination. You're certain that discrimination wouldn't be all too huge an issue if you had been visible.
In the morning you follow the blindfolded fellowship on their journey to meet Celeborn and Galadriel. But you don't make it very far before you feel the cold touch of a sword against your arm as the elf carrying it moves past, weapon in hand. And then everything goes black.

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