Liam is an Axeman (Final Saga)

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So, as the Final Saga this part is longer than the others. I hope you have been enjoying it. Thanks for reading.

Liam is an axeman,PART IV(Final Saga) Dhikraa Akande.

Blue and Red,
Two pairs of eyes present.
Same figure,
Axe, No axe.
Grounded Chloe amidst.

Stomps got heavier,
She has to act,
But twined with twigs
With strength bar drained.

Hard, harder
She pulled,
For nothing but freedom
To race to solidarity
Away from the nightmare

But she made a sound,
Not giggle, not cry.
Soft was the twirling sound
But loud with aid of crispy leaves.

She finally unwound
But it just got dirtier
Thumps moved closer
Four feet racing to her

She tries to stand
Ankle got cramped
Chloe falls yet again
But with his shadow casting on her

He was there,
With the axe raised to the moon,
Shining rays, blocked her sight.
She shut her eyes,
The evil caved in

Arms raised higher
All thumps has ceased
Axe came down in a swing,
Followed by a thud

The axe fell,
Not on Chloe, but by her side.
Followed by the axe, was his bloody body.
Standing with a club,
Was Harry, twin to the body.

Same build,
Same eyes,
Body was Liam, the Axeman
To the rescue, was Harry,her boyfriend.

She pushed the bloody body.
Trying to absorb, the rapid occurrence.
Her boyfriend, a twin.
His twin, an axeman after her life.

Reasons for her life demand,
Still untold.
Enough of the nightmare,
Home calls, end to the love.
Harry for her was closed chapter,
To be reopened, by the police
Who were in the woods Now.


This is the end of the series, I hope you enjoyed it let me know how you feel about it by dropping a comment or more.

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