The Hospital Visit

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Maeson came to a park in front of her parents house and let out a heavy sigh; leaning her head against the steering wheel. She ran her hand through her messy hair before slipping her beanie on, putting her scarf back on too, grabbing her keys and her purse before getting out of the SUV to grab her bags. But this time she only grabbed two, leaving the third in the SUV, she'd get it tonight.

She grudgingly dragged herself and the bags up to the front door. The only sound around her was the sound of the bags hitting the cracks in the pavement and her footsteps. It was early morning, she drove all night only stopping when she needed to fill up her gas tank. Maeson hoped her mom wasn't sleeping. The tired woman figured she was home because there was the old red family car her mom drove parked messily in the driveway. Her mom had it since before her and her twin brother Mikey were born.

She rang the doorbell and it was like her mom seen her pull up and was waiting for her to ring the doorbell as she opened the door. Her mom stared at her with a look of astonishment, as if not believing Maeson was actually standing in front of her. Her mom pulled her inside and Maeson let her bags stand inside by the front door, not bothering to put them in her old room yet. She put her purse down on one of the bags and took off her beanie, scarf, and jacket.

Her mom pulled her into a tight hug, pulling her down and sobbing on her shoulder. Her mom was almost a foot shorter than Maeson's 5'10 frame, getting her height from her father. She rubbed her mom's back and they pulled away from one another. Her mom, Monica, held her away at arm's length and gave a sad smile. Maeson wiped her mom's tears and gave her a smile back. Her mom led her through an archway that led to the kitchen. Maeson sat at the table while her mom poured her a cup of coffee that was already brewed.

"Last I seen you you were an awkward teenage girl and now you're a young woman. I expected it but I didn't want it to be true." He mom said, stirring the coffee before walking over and handing it over to Maeson. She took it in her freezing hands and took a small sip, humming appreciation.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." She said, setting the cup on the table. Her mom grabbed her hands and sat down on the chair next to Maeson.

"So, how's Chicago?" Her mom asked, trying to make small talk. It was almost too awkward. Maeson left home for college on a full academic ride when she graduated high school at 16. She never bothered to check in with her family for nine years. That was all her fault, no excuses. She never gave a call or card to indicate she was okay.

"It's good." She replied meekly, taking another sip of her coffee. Suddenly the front door bounced open before slamming shut. Loud voices filling the awkward air.

"Hey mom, why's an expensive car parked out front and whose bags are these? Are you housing some rich bi-." A male's voice floated through but stopped when the male version of Maeson made eye contact with each other. Identical crystal blue eyes stared back at her. "Mae-bey?"

"Hey Mikey." Maeson smiled, standing up uncomfortably. Her older twin brother rushed forward and consumed her in a bone crushing hug.

"You son of a bitch." He said, just about cutting off her air supply so she tapped his back a few times and he let go of her. He put his hand on her head and grinned before messing it up. Maeson shooed his hand away before jokingly shoving him away.

Maeson sat back down and so did Mikey. Twin girls about the age of six came in and hugged her mom before running off. She eyed them and gave both her brother and mom a questioning gaze.

"Elle and Evan, my daughters." Mikey said, leaning on the table with with elbows. The table creaked under his weight and dipped a bit. Twins ran in the family so it didn't surprise Maeson. But, however, it did surprise her that he had kids. She glanced at his left hand but there was no rings, only tattoos covered every inch of his hands no doubt trailing up his arms.

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