The Determined Maeson

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The first thing Maeson was aware about when she woke up was that she felt horrible. Her eyes felt puffy, her head pounded and she was aching all over her body. Groaning, she  rolled on her back and sat up, crossing her legs as she scratched her head and squinted around the room, something felt off.

She got up, throwing the cover over the bed and stumbling out of bed. She opened her door and the house was quiet, which was typical but still strange. Crossing her arms, she walked down the stairs. No one was in the living room but hushed whispers came from the kitchen. They quieted when lumberjack spotted her. He and her mom huddled together as her mom was mixing something in a large bowl.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Her mom said, "why don't you go take a shower, breakfast will be done when you're out."

Too tired to say anything, Maeson nodded, glanced at lumberjack and turned to walk away. She was about to heave herself back on the stairs but heard them start their conversation back up.

"I think you're being ridiculous." She heard her mom whisper-shout. She leaned closer to the archway and leaned against the wall.

"No I'm not, when Maeson finds out who I am she'll hate me more than she probably already does. I didn't make a good quote unquote first impression." Lumberjack said. So everyone was going to be on his side so she would have to find out who 'Jack' was all on her own. That was unless she played her cards right. He knew her and she didn't know him, that irritated her to no end.

Maeson did as her mother instructed. When she was all finished she stood in her room dressed in a pair of jeans and an over-sized knitted sweater with a tank top under that.

She went back to the kitchen to see that Jack had left. She had decided to call him Jack instead of Lumberjack because honestly the author is too lazy.

"So, who was that?" She asked, hoping to get an answer that she knew she wouldn't get.

"Who? Oh, J-No one. He's the neighbor. He helps out a lot around here." Her mom said, busying herself with breakfast.

Maeson didn't realize it but after not eating for two days her stomach was protesting for food. After returning back from the hospital she didn't go downstairs to eat dinner, she went to sleep instead.

She poured herself a cup of coffee, only adding one scoop of sugar and creamer. Her stomach growled after she took her first sip causing her mother to look at her wide eyed.

"When was the last time you ate? What was the last thing you ate?" She asked, getting ready to prepare more for Maeson in case she was still hungry after her first plate.

Maeson didn't answer right away. Instead, she sat down at the table and tried not to answer but her mom looked at her expectantly for an answer.

"I think I had one cookie two days ago." She mumbled. Her mom went off then, lecturing her on the importance of feeding herself.Though she was twenty five, she knew she needed to cook for herself but she didn't feel like being the one doctor to kill themselves by food. Imagine reading in the paper that a doctor died from their own concoction. She didn't want to be humiliated in death too. She already got enough grief in her line of profession for being the youngest one in her section.

After eating three plates of food her mother wanted to force her to eat a fourth but her stomach couldn't hold anymore. She felt like she was going to throw everything up if she glaced at food, let alone took a bite.

Maeson stood up, almost feeling like she was about to be pregnant with a food baby. She could feel her stomach trying to stretch itself.

She didn't bother with socks as she put on her boots and grabbed her keys from her purse. She needed her clothes and things that were in her other suitcase that she still hadn't received it from her trunk. That particular bag so happened to hold all er charges, her tablet for games, and her makeup. A bag for clothes, pajamas, and the extra things. It was all necessary in her eyes.

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