The Found Culprit

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"Where is it, where is it..." Maeson muttered to herself, looking for her brothers yearbooks. He had to be in there somewhere. She was going to give up, she could feel herself playing a never ending game.

She wanted, no needed, to find out who Jack was, she wanted to find out before Christmas. That was next week. That reminded her, she needed to get gifts for everyone. But she had lost touch with everyone and didn't know what they liked.

She pulled out her phone, getting ready to dial his number but she noticed that she had a text from her friend that worked in a different section than her asking to have lunch. She texted her that she was out of town before she called her brother.

"Hello, this is Mikey. I'm in right now, so you can talk to me personally. But then I'd have to pretend to care." She heard him say but she could hear his daughter's screaming. Something on the other end before a loud crash sounded.

"Um, everything okay?" She asked, growing concerned.

"Yeah, movie night. What's up." He said, his voice ever so calm.

"Where are your yearbooks?" The girl asked, now sitting on her brothers old twin bed. She hunched over, resting her elbows on her knees.

"I think they're in the attic or under my bed. Why?" Mikey asked. She heard shuffling on the other line before she heard her niece's voices. They were talking to her all at once, they took the phone away from their dad.

After she hung up she looked in the one place she didn't care to look. Under his bed. She got down on her stomach and peered under the bed. It was dusty and plastic tubs lined everywhere. She pulled two tubs out at a time and the first tub she opened she got lucky. Yearbooks of all the years he's been in school was in the tub.

"Maeson!" Her mother yelled. She glanced up in panic. She stood up and grabbed the heavy tub in her arms, shoving the other under the bed. The she wobbled into her room and rolled the dusty tub under her bed

"Mae-bear, are you awake, I'm going shopping!" Her mom called up the stairs.

"Y-yeah! One sec, I'll go too, I need to do some Christmas shopping." She called down. She changed out of her pajamas and threw on a heavy long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans. She shoved her blonde hair back into a messy bun and threw on a random pair of socks before she grabbed her purse, rushing downstairs.

Her mom was already in her coat, keys in hand.

"I'll drive, there's more room in my car." Maeson told her, putting on her own coat and boots. Her mom nodded and they were out the door within no time.

They got into her large SUV and her mom was in awe. She pointed everything out to Maeson like she didn't know her own car. But she stayed silent.

"I'm glad both of my babies are doing something that they both like. You're a doctor and your brother runs his own tattoo parlor." She said, content with both of her kids.

She started her car and pulled out to go to the mall. Maeson was guilty of ignoring her mom as she drove, not caring to listen to her mom's rambling.

The mall wasn't very packed but there were a lot of cars. She found a space close the the entrance and her mom went on and on about what she needed to get for everyone, save for her.

"I don't know what to get you!" Her mom gasped in horror. Her mom looked at her with a slight scolding look. "This wouldn't be happening if only I got to see you every year. But you've been away for nine years. Nine Maeson Marie Jones. I am not happy about that." Her mom said, her moods changing like the different phases of the moon.

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