I will

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I will let you play with my hair.

I won't complain about the almost empty milk carton in the fridge.

I will watch Christmas movies with you, even though they make me sad.

I will remind you to never settle for less than you deserve.

I will love you even when I'm mad at you.

I will make you coffee in the morning and I won't expect you to talk until you've finished it.

I will remind you to go to the store since you forget often.

I will close the closet doors.

I will help decide which movie to watch.

I will make sure you play the guitar more often.

I will buy a cat with you and I will take care of the decorating.

I will go hiking with you. (although I hate it)

I will hold you and let you talk about the things that have never been said.

I will volunteer with you.

I will tell you everything I love about you until you can't find a single thing you hate about yourself.

I will be patient with you.

I will encourage you to follow your dreams.

I will sing to you, even if I'm shit. (It's the thought that counts, right?)

I will distract you and help you relax when all you can think are stressful thoughts and events.

I will trust you.

I will let you fall asleep on my chest.

I will dance around the kitchen with you.

I will remind you to talk to your friends more often.

I will be honest with you.

I will raise children with you and encourage them to be like their mom, so they will grow up to be loving, kind, strong and bold.

I will travel with you.

I won't leave your side when the going gets tough, I will take your hand.

I will marry the shit out of you.

There are many things I would do for you.

correction; that I will do for you

But most importantly,

I will love you, 





St. Patrick (empty room session)-PVRIS


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