I am gay

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I am gay.

I'm not a disease, I'm not a problem.

I'm not an affliction

I don't need treatment.

I don't need help

I'm not sick

I'm not confused

I'm not a sin.

I am gay.

I'm your daughter

Your sister

Your friend

Your classmate

Your acquaintance

A complete stranger

I am gay.

I need love, just like you

I need smiles

I need support

I need a hug

I need a friend

I need a family

I need acceptance

I need understanding

I need you

I am gay.

I know what love is

I know what pain is

I know what hate is

I know what life is

I am gay.

And I need you to love me

The same way you loved me before you knew

I am gay.

And I have experienced hate

From more people than just you

I am gay.

And I wont change.

I wont give up.

I wont back down.

I wont pretend.

I wont lie.

I wont deny.

I wont hide.

I wont hurt.

I am gay.

And that's okay. 


instead of saying fuck the haters just hope that someday they find peace in their life and their minds are cleaned of shit they think and say to people that is unaccepting and hurtful.



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