(Larry) dear harry,

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Dear harry,
I remember when I first met you
When your green eyes
Met my blue
And you whispered "oops"
And I said "hi"
We both fell hard
Though we had to deny
They kept us up and locked away
With only small tattoos to display

Until one day
You had to go
Tired of hiding
You left a note

Dear Louis,
I love you
You are my world
But I couldn't take it when
They made you love a girl
Before I met you
My heart would roam
Until I found you,
My soulmate,
My home.

When they kept us apart
My spirit slowly died
But I'll always be there with you
I'll be by your side

I'll always remember when
My green eyes met blue
When I whispered oops, and you said hi


Tears are real

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