Aggressive Side [Part 1]

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"Why is it always an argument huh?!", Craig yelled aloud as he threw the remote across the room, shattering it into small pieces.

You groan and let out a loud yell. “It’s an argument because you act like your always so helpless and defenseless! Your not a goddamn celebrity anymore, so fuck you and that shit hole of a fan base you praise. Were those bitches there when THEY were the ones downing your ass and calling you names?!….Yeah crickets up in this bitch.”, you shouted in pure anger.

Craig balled up his fist and closed his eyes. “Stop that, for real Y/n.”, he growled as his lips barely parted.

You stood up from your chair and walked towards him infuriated. “Were they there when they didn’t want you blonde, but you liked it and they treated you like shit?!…Didn’t think so asshole! I had to deal with your cry me a river bullshit. The guys didn’t give two shits, that’s why they didn’t say anything!”, you screamed louder.

Craig stood up from his chair and stood in a terrorizing, almost killer like position. “You better watch your mouth girl, I SAID that’s enough..”, he snarled while breathing hard.

You chuckled and walked closer to him and folded your arms across your chest. “Or what? You gonna cry on my shoulder again and stain my shirt for the BILLIONTH time? Don’t forget who was always there when your shit head ass fans would call you ugly and downgrade you, saying they want you out of Mindless Behavior. I guess they got their way didn’t they PRODIGY! Oops, I mean Craig..”, you grinned.

That last comment was enough to send Craig on edge and he lost his mind. He snatched you by your wrist and turned you around. He didn’t want to put his hands on you, so he decided to punish you in another form. You tried digging your nails in his hands, but that didn’t help at all; It intrigued and fueled his motives.

"What the hell are you doing?! Let me go Craig..y-your hurting me!", you groan as you tried to push his hands away.

Craig smiled and whispered in your ear. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Strip yourself down, and I want it done FAST.”, Craig demanded thoroughly.

You scrunched your face in confusion and shook your head no. “Hell no, are you crazy you psycho bastard? Let me go before I call my Dad over here!”, you groaned as you struggled to get out his tight grip.

Craig grinned and parted his lips to speak. “I love your choice baby girl, you were always so wise…The hard way it is.”

Craig grabbed your face and covered your mouth and nose, cutting off your air supply. You struggled and tried to withstand his hold. Your moving became slow and your body motion started to slow down. Your hands dropped and your knees gave out and you blacked out. Craig smiled as he watched your limp body drop to the floor. He picked you up and threw your petite body over his shoulder. He whistled and walked up the stairs. 

"Damn babe, yo thick ass is really growin’ on me..’, Craig chuckled as he walked up to the room door and kicked the double doors open. He smiled and slammed the door violently.

The rest of the activity behind the closed double doors is unknown

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