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So the last two chapters were kind of just setting the story up.
The next few chapters are pretty much the actual storyline and are much better and longer than the first two.


Riker's P.O.V.

I pulled up outside my small, detatched bungalow and got out of my car. One glance down the street told me that my house was the only house on my street not decorated for Christmas. And it was going to stay that way. Christmas for me was most certainly NOT the most wonderful time of the year.

I let myself in and dumped my stuff on the kitchen table. I opened my laptop and checked my emails, seeing the usual messages from my family asking where I was and if i was coming home. I felt a pang of guilt as I spammed them. It's been five years and they're still trying to contact me. I had thought of deleting my e-mail account but i just couldn't bring myself to actually do it. I love my family but i knew it was too late for me to go back.


I sighed as I flicked trough the t.v. channels, looking for something to watch during dinner that wasn't a Christmas movie. No luck. So I turned to my old friend Netflix.
About halfway through my movie, I heard a knock on my door. I huffed in annoyance but got up to answer it anyway. I opened the door to see a tired looking, old man, sort of hunched on the ground. He looked up at me "please! I'm tired, cold and hungry, I need a place to rest. Please good sir, one night is all i ask!" I stated at him in disbelief, "why would I let a complete stranger into my house?" I said starting to close the door. Before I could, the Old Man grabbed my leg "please sit, I beg of you, just one night!" I looked into his eyes and suddenly something inside me changed. I opened the door wide and helped him in. "Just one night," I said "Thank you sir" I took the man into my spare room and helped him onto the bed. I went quickly to the kitchen and made up a Cup-A-Soup. When I gave it to the man, he drank it in ten seconds flag. "Thank you kind sir," he said "please, just call me Riker," I told him, he nodded. "I'll leave you to get some rest.... what was your name?" I asked "that doesn't matter" he answered. I rolled my eyes and went to leave. "Oh and Riker," the Old Man called "hm?" "I owe you,". Just then I notice a familiar twinkle in his eye. A twinkle I could've sworn i'd seem before.

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