Chapter I: The Excitement of an Adventure

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I love sunny days. The heat given by the solar rays are a miracle for the creatures that need it the most, such as plants in order for them to kickstart a process called photosynthes. Another reason for why I specifically like these days is because the risk of a tsunami is pretty much down to 0%, at least from my experience, not counting the sand-like tsunami in the desserts.

Right now I'm in a boat with my fellow pirate towards the islands of the Caribbeans. I've heard many legends of what happens in these places, especially the songs about the most feared pirate that ever existed, Blackbeard. Arr!

Sound exciting, doesn't it? Well hopefully I might get a chance to meet him and who knows? Maybe we'll get together with other fellow pirates, sing adventure songs, dance around in old brown and shaggy boots, and drink some booze. I don't usually drink alcohol and even then, a glass of wine is enough for me, but if you want to be a pirate you'll have to act like it. Speaking of pirates...

"Oh. Good morning to you, sir! Did you enjoy your sleep?"

"Good morning. Indeed I did! After that long and dangerous chase with the Spanish guards, a good sleep was all I needed!"

"I see.", said the pirate giving a big smile.

"So. How long till we reach land?"
"Well, the wind seems to do a good job today so we should be there by afternoon."


Yet something was wrong. I could feel it on the tip of my fingertips that this journey would not go as smooth as I would have liked to go. About 4 hours later I spotted an unfriendly cloud. It was strangely black, not a usual colour for something like this. Even in the most aggressive weathers, the clouds were still grey! However this one was coal black, big, and heading towards us...

I fell like this adventure is about to take an ugly turn.

"BLACKBEEEARD! I SEEEE BLACKBEEEARD!", shouted a member of the ship's crew in sheer terror.

"WHAT!? Blackbeard? Where?"


"Oh! Blackbeard! I never knew he was real! Neither that he was in these times!"

"He is alive and well, sir. I can assure that!", quickly spoke the pirate in a angry manner, clenching his teeth.

"Then. No autographs- ?"



While the crew was getting ready for a game of attack and defense, I could see the enemy ship sailing closer and closer, not slowing down a bit.
About 30 minutes in and the battle started. Shots were fired, canon by canon. Every member of the ship tried to keep up with my fellow pirate's orders. But just I thought, fear settled in. This wasn't your typical pirate you hear on bed time stories before you sleep. No. Not even close. This was Blackbeard, and in case your history knowledge is as small as a fish's 2 second memory brain, he is considered to be the worst pirate in history. No one dared stand in his way, except for a couple of brave souls which sadly ended up in the shark's mouths. Strangely now that I think about it's always the same, isn't it? There's always a vilain in the story who tries to prove himself by doing something huge but always gets caught in the end. It's like every adventure story's cliché in the book! Not that I complain since I'm supposed to be the good guy here. Hehe...

"Tis is imposible! Our hits are...bouncing off their ship. It's invincible!"

"Bouncing off!?"

After looking through the goggles I found near my reach, I realised... The ship was protected by an invisible shield! But how is that possible? There's no such technology on Earth yet!

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