Chapter III: A Village with a Twist

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"... And that's how you do a Huckleberry nod!"

"Very good! Very good. Impressive, I might say! The style and the pattern you've used really brings out the beauty in you, miss."

"Oh. That's very nice for you to say that, young man."

"Of course! If you excuse me. I have some... things to deal with."

"All right then. Come again!"


Phew. If I hear any more of her knitting and I might have gone asleep! Anyway. Hello, my fellow friends! It's been a while, hasn't it? Your first question that comes into your big human minds is "Where the hell have you been!?"

Well to put it simply, I was busy. Since I've arrived at this village, people have been bombarding me with nice words and gifts. So while you were celebrating Christmas and The New Year, they gave me a really nice bust with my face, which I'll have to take it back to my ship later, and tea. Pretty genereous for them, even with the lack of lactose goodness which I quickly noticed, but like an old man said to me once: "Don't stare only at the picture, but at what's inside it."

The village was like nothing I've ever seen. The architecture is hard to describe. I don't even know if this is a village or a town anymore! It has this strange mix of victorian, gothic, indian, and 18th century England vibe to it. The whole setting had at least 20 yards of land! Normally this wouldn't have been weird, but this is village is underground!!! Yeah! Quite impressive, isn't it?

Anyway. Even with such an impressive collection of construction styles, the only important places, in my opinion, are the the centre of the village and the church. Why does it remind me of a particular place? Hmm...

"Seems you like it here, stranger.", said the witch, behind my back.

"What...? Oh! Yes! It's a very nice village you have here, the people, the culture, the food. Even the ladies gave some interesting stares..."

"Indeed. Our village's women are always looking for a strong man to fit their desires and it looks like you seem to meet their requirements."

"Really? Me? Don't be ridiculous!"

"Yes! But not just the women, but also the children, the elders, even the workers began to like your presence here. It took me years and years to earn everyone's trust and yet it took you only a couple of days. How did you do it?"

"Well I have a certain charm.", I said giving a blushing smile.

"I see."

It is true, my fellow readers. It's all magic and talent! While you were sipping from your cups filled with the nearest cow's milk, I was studying the secret arts of charm and beauty. Oh! The memories are coming back...

"Would you like to share the main of this charm of yours with me?"

"Of course!"

Ha Ha Ha... Never!

"But not now."

"All right. I see. Anyway! I'll have to leave you now, my good friend. The people are calling me."

"Really? You sure you can't stay- ?"

And then suddenly the witch dissappeared.

"Dammit! I hate when he leaves like that!"

Later I took a tour inside the church. Now here is the thing about me and religion. Since I don't come from these places it is pretty obvious I'm not that of a religious person. But I can assure you, that I am a lover for old architecture! Castles, churches, old victorian houses et cetera, et cetera... et ceteeeeeeeeera.

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