Chapter 3: A Job

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Sabre's POV (He's just mur fave, k?))

As we entered the pizzeria, we were greeted by a red haired lady.

"Welcome to Shark's and Chipper's! My name is Colleen, how may I help you?"

We walked up to the counter. "There was an advertisement for this place," Ryan started. "We wanted to try out for the job!" Moose ended, getting between me and Ryan.

"I see! Wait here a few minutes and I'll fetch the boss! You may look around, on me!" Colleen said, walking away.

"She seems nice?" I asked. "Very!" Ryan answered.

"Come on guys!" Moose exclaimed, walking to the main stage.

There were kids around the stage, shouting and cheering.

On the stage there were five animatronics. In the back there's a duck with a cupcake next to it, beside her/him was a purpled bunny. In front of the two, between, was a bear animatronics. In the front of the stage were two animatronics, one was a silver robot, and the other caught my attention, same with the other one.

It was a shark, he had shades on and metal fins on his back. He even had a shark tail.

"Does that one and that one look familiar?" Moose asked, pointing to the silver one and shark one.

"How much you gonna bet that's Shark and that's Chipper?" Ryan asked, pointing to the shark first then silver.

"How even know that?" I asked.

"Look it up, duh!"

Their theme song began to go on, the kids cheering.

((Shark, Chipper, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Shark and Chipper)

Welcome everyone!

To the place of fun!

I'm dying to just meet you!

So let us begun!

Hello everyone, I'm Chipper. Now I am done!

Then there's me the Shark! I am a remark, but let's continue on...

Hoi everyone! It's me Chica. Meet my sweet cupcake!

My name's Freddy, and I'm a cuddly friend.

Hey there, I'm Bonnie! Would you like some carrots? 

Welcome to Shark's and Freddy's! It's nice to meet you too!

((Normal! Sorry it wasn't long, all I could think of!))

All the kids clapped and cheered.

"Am I the only one that thought Chipper was being creepy when he said, now I am done?" Ryan asked, I nodded, so did Moose.

Colleen walked up to us. "He's ready for you!" We nodded and thanked her as she walked away.

"I'll meet ya' there, there's something I wanna do," I said to Ryan and Moose.

They nodded and walked away.

I watched the kids play with the animatronics, smiling at them.

As I walked away, Shark glanced at me, making me look back at him.

"E-enjoy!" He exclaimed, making the kids smile.

Enjoy guys!

I shook my head and walked back to Ryan and Moose. Ryan was standing outside a door, I walked up to him.

"Where's Moose?" I asked, looking around. Ryan pointed to the door. "He wanted to speak with us one by one, so Moose went first."

"He want to?!" I laughed.

Ryan nodded. "Who thought he wanted to be a night guard instead of a moose?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Exactly!"

The door opened and Moose crashing down excited. "I'm a night guard! Take that suckers!" He shouted as he stood up.

"To ba- wait, seriously?!" Ryan shouted.

"No way man, just, now way," I added, pointing my hands to him.

He nodded. "Now, I shall be, guard Moose!"

"Alright guard Moose, may I go in?" I asked, making them laugh.

I walked into the office and sat down in front of a man in a purple suit.

"You must be Sabre?" Asked the man.

"Yeah, Moose say?"

He nodded this time.

"He says you're a good leader, when you're not panicking," He smirked.

"Moose!" I shouted, hearing some snickering from the other side of the door.

"So, why do you think you can be a guard here?"

"First off, what's your name?" I blurted.

"How rude of me," He said, standing up. "My name is Purple Guy, you can call me Boss."

"Alright Boss. I think I should work here because from what I've heard no one wants to work here so me and my friends are your only hopes."

He shrugged. "You beat me boy, you're in."

I did a little fist bump under the table. "Thank you sir, I'll be off. When do we start?"

"Tomorrow. Colleen will give the night guard suits to you guys. Come at 12:00, but maybe a bit early so I may show you around. Go!"

I looked confused before leaving the room.

"What he say man?" Moose and Ryan asked.

"We're all hired!"

"Wait, me too?"

"Yeah, guess we were lucky!" I exclaimed, poking Ryan's arm.

"Ouch! Why you do that?!"

We all laughed. "Wanna stay here a bit? I heard the pizza is great here!" Moose said, drooling when he said pizza.

"Sure man!"

With that, Moose dashed to the food. "I'll..make sure he doesn't get into trouble...MOOSE!" Ryan yelled, running behind him.

I laughed and went back to the main area, taking a seat at one of the tables.

"You shouldn't have done that," I heard someone behind me say. "Why you already backing down R-" I turned around and saw Shark standing there.

"You shouldn't have done that," He repeated. "What? How do you?"

"Shark!" Another animatronic shouted, it being Chipper.

"Y-yes Chipper?" Shark stuttered, standing in front of me.

N-no..! I'm not a whimp!

"We need you at your post, now!"

Shark dashed to the sea area. "This will be fun!" Chipper said to me, walking away laughing.

"What? What?" I asked myself, looking at Shark, then Chipper.

"Hey Sabre!" Colleen said, sitting next to me. "What?! Oh, hey Colleen?"

"Something wrong?" I shrugged. "How do you even know my name?"

"Boss told me, you are working here, so I do need to know your name?" She explained.

I nodded. "Sabre!"

I sighed. "What Moose!?"

Moose and Ryan came in the four plates of pizza. "We got pizza!" Ryan answered, handing me and Colleen a plate.

"Aww, thanks you guys," Colleen thanked, grabbing the plate.

I grabbed that plate, "Thanks guys!"

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