Chapter 2

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For a few weeks Liam and I continued hanging out every weekend. Then he had a vacation with his family one weekend and we never got back into it. It’s been 6 months since I last saw any of the boys. Liam and I still text every once in a while but it usually isn’t any more than a couple times back and forth once a week, if even that.  I celebrated my birthday about a month and a half ago so I got a text from all of the boys, but Liam’s the only one I’ve heard from since. It’s been nice to be home but, I miss the guys. I text Louis and Zayn to hang out a lot but they always have some other plans or something. It makes it rough. I texted Niall once and Abby had responded saying that he had moved on from the band and wasn’t interested in keeping in touch with us. It sounded sketchy but, he hadn’t made any effort to talk to me previously so I left it at that.

I still haven’t figured out what I want to do with my life. I’ve been laying low of course, but the few times I’ve gone out no one really reacts to me. When I see a teenage girl, instinctively I tense up but they don’t so much as give me a second look anymore. I guess there’s no use if I’m not one of the members of “The World’s Hottest Boy Band” any longer. Now going out and not getting mobbed is surreal, rather than how surreal it felt when we used to get mobbed just trying to pick up a snack from the market a block from the house.

I sighed as I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I was bored almost all the time now. I tried everything I could possibly think of to do. I hung out with old friends but it just wasn’t the same as it was before; we had obviously just grown apart. I got invited to a few award shows and other events like that but… It felt weird to be there without the boys. Plus the invites stopped coming after a few months anyway. It was all so surreal. To just have it stop. I expected a lot of the fan base to diminish once we ended the band but… not this much of it. I’ve been asked for an autograph a total of 5 times since we ended things, the last of which was 2 months ago.

I got up from my bed and slipped on a jumper to walk to the nearby Tesco. It was a chilly 5 minute walk and the slightly warmer air of the large building was welcoming. I scanned over the snacks, trying to decide what I wanted. My lips formed a small smile when I saw a bag of Galaxy Minstrels. I grabbed the bag and turned it over in my hands, the smiling growing as I remembered the time Niall and I had visited a candy shop filled with candies he had never tried before, though most of them were available in Mullingar. We walked through the shop trying everything we could before we got sick, neither of us ever liking the same thing. The only candy we both liked was the Minstrels. The fond memory played as I decided on a couple other candies and walked to the register. On my walk back home I opened the bag and popped one in my mouth, the flavor bringing back the memory even more intensely.

It was hard missing the boys so much.

2 years later…

Over the years I found ways to deal with my boredom. I finally got a normal job working as a bank teller and my own little flat that sits on top of a small, family owned pub. I tried the dating scene for a bit and I assumed it would be better because I knew no one would be using me for my fame but, turns out no one really wanted to be with the washed up boy band member anyways. It isn’t too bad though. I’m good friends with the son of the family who owns the pub beneath my flat, David, and I’ve gotten myself a cat, named Charlie. It all isn’t so bad honestly, I don’t mind being on my own and living a quiet life. It’s nice in contrast to those insane 6 years, that’s enough of a crazy lifestyle to last a lifetime.

I laid back on my bed with Charlie on my chest as I watched a movie. I was drifting to sleep with the sound of him purring close to my ear. Suddenly my phone rang, jolting me awake.

“Hello?” I croaked, not bothering to check the caller I.D.

“Hey Harry, can you cover my shift tomorrow? I have some family stuff I have to take care of.”

I smiled hearing Madison’s slightly worried voice on the phone. She was one of the only people my age working at the bank; everyone else was a little younger or much older than us. I often thought about asking her to do something outside of work, I just never figured she was interested. She was definitely beautiful, but I don’t know much about her. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure if she’s single or not.

“Of course I will, Madison. It’s not a problem. 10-3, right?”

“Yes! Oh my God, thank you so much, Harry! You’re a life saver!” Madison practically screamed into the phone.

“Don’t mention it. I hope everything’s alright. Have a good night, Madison.”

“Goodnight, Harry!”

I smiled as I hung up the phone. Maybe when we work together next week I’ll try to find out some more about her.

I put my phone on my bedside table and turned onto my side to cuddle Charlie as I slept.

I actually did it. I asked Madison out on a date, after finding out that she was single. We went for dinner and a movie 2 weeks after I picked up her shift for her and we’ve been dating for 3 months now. It’s been weird to have a steady girlfriend that I can see basically whenever I want and not have really anyone trying to get in the way of it or try to break us up. We go on double dates with David and his girlfriend a lot, which has been great. I don’t really know what normal relationships are supposed to feel like or what it really feels like to have feelings for someone so I don’t really know. It feels like it’s going well.

I smiled down at her as she snuggled into my side as we sat on the couch watching a movie.

“Baby, will you go get us a couple drinks? We have nothing good in the house.” Maddy looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

“We have water, milk, juice, beer… What do you want?”

“We don’t have any soda… Will you just run out and get some? Please?” She smiled up at me.

“Alright… Fine. Don’t watch any of the movie without me, okay?” I gave her a small peck on the forehead and paused the movie as I stood up.

“I’ll take a-“

“I know what you like.” I grinned at her as I walked out the door.

Warm sunshine hit my face as I stepped out the door of the pub under the flat. There was a small convenience store just a block away where I’d always stop by to get drinks. The small bell rang as I walked in the shop and greeted the owner. I walked straight the shelves lined with drinks and grabbed out 3 of each of our favorites, mine being Dr. Pepper and hers being Coke.

I looked down and fumbled with my wallet trying to pull out the bills when suddenly I ran into something or somebody – hard.

“Sorry, mate. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I said without bothering to see who I ran into and moved to pick up my dropped bottles.



Sorry it's still a little short! Chapter 3 is much longer I promise. :) 

Still looking for someone to make me a real cover, let me know. :) 

Thanks for reading! :)

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