Chapter 14

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Harry’s POV

The day I had been dreading has finally come. It’s Wednesday, the day I’m meeting up with Madison to figure out where we’re going to go from here. I’ve decided that I want to help her raise the baby. I know that it’ll be complicated because we won’t be together, I’m with Niall and it will be even weirder if Madison finds someone to be with but I’m the father; I’m not going to just leave Maddy alone.

I spent the night at Niall’s house knowing that I needed his comfort and a good night’s sleep to be able to make it through today. I had already made the decision to help her and be in the baby’s life but for some reason, I was absolutely dreading actually talking about it with Madison. Things had changed between us so drastically within such a small period of time; not long ago we were basically living together, spending our days cuddled on the couch watching movies or walking along the rocky beaches hand in hand. Everything changed so suddenly after seeing Niall again. It must have crushed her to be so happy in our relationship and then out of nowhere, I’m falling in love with someone else, and with a guy at that.

Falling in love? Was I falling in love with him? Shit.

I look over at Niall who’s still sleeping peacefully. His thin pink lips slightly parted as he takes in deep breathes, his face turned to me as he lays on his stomach with his arms underneath his pillow. I roll onto my side and brush his hair back off of his forehead. I place a small kiss on the flat surface just above his eye brows and quietly get out of bed heading to the shower.

As I enter the bedroom to get dressed I see Niall still sound asleep. I dress quietly and head downstairs to make myself and Niall some breakfast.  I fry up some bacon and whip up some batter to put into the waffle iron while I wait for my coffee to brew. As I turn from the waffle iron to plate the enormous waffle, I see Niall shuffle into the quaint dining area, rubbing his eyes obviously not wanting to be awake.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” I give him a small kiss on the top of his head while I place his plate in front of him.

He grumbles a ‘good morning’ back as I go back into the kitchen to grab my plate. I sit down next to him and begin to eat a piece of bacon. Niall and I eat in a comfortable silence until we’re both almost finished. As I finish chewing a bite of waffle I break the silence.

“Thanks for giving me the day off. You sure you’re okay with me meeting Madison by myself?”

“Of course, babe. I know that you two need to get a lot figured out and do it on your own. Plus I’ve gotta keep everything together at the restaurant while I’m missing my best worker.” Niall winks at me before putting his cup of coffee to his mouth. I playfully nudge him before taking our plates to the kitchen sink. I take out my phone and text Madison to confirm our plans. We’re meeting at noon and it’s currently 8 am. Niall will be leaving for work soon and I’ll be left to my thoughts and stress.

I began to think of a list of things I could do to occupy myself around Niall’s home as we walked back upstairs to his bedroom together. I sit on his bed and watch him as he walks back and forth across the room getting himself ready to leave. He turns to me as he buttons up his sleek black shirt.

“Relax, Haz. It’s going to be fine. Everything will be fine.” He smiles at me as he kneels down in front of me. I look down at him and give him a small smile. He grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

“I know it will. I’m just nervous and stressed about it. This is just a lot for me to handle.” I sigh as I play with his fingers.

“I know.” He breathes as he reaches his hand to the base of my hair and gently tugs at the curls. “You know that I’m here for you. You will always have support; you don’t have to do this on your own. And I’m sure that even if she doesn’t say it, Madison is beyond thankful that you’re willing to be her support as well.” He gently presses his lips to mine and the tension I have built up melts from my body.

He pulls away and my body instantly tenses again, longing for his contact. He sits beside me to slide on his shoes and stands, grabbing my wrists to pull me to my feet as well. He places his hands on either side of my face before gently kissing me again.

“I promise everything will be okay.” He gives me a reassuring smile and one last kiss before heading out the door.


After doing all of the laundry in the house, cleaning every dish by hand and tidying up every room, I was finally left with just enough time to get ready before having to leave to meet Madison, leaving me no extra time to sit and overthink.

Luckily I was running about 5 minutes late so when I got into the small restaurant, Madison was already there.

“Hey Maddy.” I surprised myself and I think her a little too by leaning down and giving her a brief hug when I greeted her.

“Hey Harry.” She smiled brightly at me, clearly in a much better mood than the last time I saw her.  

“Did you already order or anything?” I asked her as I picked up the menu placed in front of me.

“Oh no, I just got here a minute ago.”

With that our waitress showed up and took our drink and food orders. As she left with our menus I felt the nerves creep back into my body.

“Do we want to try to make small talk or just address the elephant in the room?” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood and ease tension for both her and myself.

“Let’s just talk about it.” She takes a small sip of the water in front of her. “Did you make a decision?”

I slowly nodded and looked down at my hands that were folded on the table. “I want to help you raise the baby. But I’m not going to leave Niall. I know it might be weird for them to have a gay biological dad but, I guess times are changing anyway.” I try to force out a small laugh that ended up just coming out as a snort.

“I respect that.” Madison spoke slowly, as if contemplating what to say next. “As long as I have you as support and so does the baby, that’s good enough for me.” She gave me a tight smile, unconsciously placing her hand on her stomach.

“How far along are you, then?”

She looked down at her stomach and let out a breath. “I’m about 6 weeks now, so not very far along at all.”

“How soon will you know if it’s a boy or a girl?” Shit, I don’t know anything about pregnancies. I better start doing some research.

“The earliest I could maybe find out would be by 14 weeks, but at my 20 week check-up I’ll have my doctor tell me. Do you want me to keep it a secret from you?” Madison smiles at me, taking another small sip of water.

“I hadn’t even thought about that-“

The waitress interrupts me by bringing us our food. Did I want to know the sex? Maybe, so we could be prepared with the right stuff. I don’t know, maybe I want to be surprised.

“I’ll let you know once it gets closer.” I bring my drink to my lips before digging into my lunch.

I already feel relief just from talking with Madison about the situation and knowing that she doesn’t seem to harbor any ill feelings toward me. For the rest of the lunch we talk about lighter subjects, catching up on each other’s lives and laughing over fun memories. By the time I leave I feel lighter than when I had entered half an hour before, knowing that even if this is the most difficult thing I’ll do, it’ll be worth it.



Sorry for another short chapter!! I haven't been feeling great lately, so writing hasn't been at the top of my list of things to do. I hope you enjoyed it anyway! :) I hope everyone is doing well, if it's summer for you, or you're just finishing up school. :) 

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