Chapter 12

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Harry’s POV

I felt all of the blood drain from my face as my stomach dropped. I looked hard at Madison, seeing a quick tear silently fall down her cheek. I felt like I’d been kicked; I could barely breathe.

“A-and… it’s mine?” I managed to choke out.

“Why the fuck else would I tell you, Harry?!” Madison screamed, tears beginning to stream down her face. She leaned forward, putting her head into her hands as sobs racked her body.

I moved to sit beside her and placed my hand softly on her back. I gently moved my fingers in a circle motion, letting her calm down before asking any further questions.

She sniffed loudly and went to wipe her nose on her sleeve before I handed her the napkin I had in my apron. She gave me a quiet thanks before blowing her nose and attempting to clean her smudged make up.

“I uh… I just wanted to tell you because I do want to keep it. But, it’s up to you if you want to be in their life. I won’t force you and I won’t shut you out either. You have to pick one though. I’m not going to make it deal with that… I just wanted to tell you.” Madison put her head in her hands again, taking deep breaths.

I mirrored her actions, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees as I ran my hands through my hair, tugging on it.

“Fuck.” I breathed out, covering my face with my hands. “We had sex, what, like 3 times?” I shook my head, laughing darkly. “Shit… How’d this happen?”

“I don’t know but I would appreciate your support. I barely even have a place to live right now and I’m just finally starting to make enough money to take care of myself. I’m not exactly prepared to have a baby right now but I’m already 24, I need to be figuring it out.”

“Are you saying you just need my financial support?” I spat.

“No Harry, I need any support anyone could possibly give me at this point.”

“Look, I’m not going to say I won’t be in its life, okay? But, I do need time to figure this all out.”

“Right, of course. Take the time you need. I’m sorry for getting worked up, this is all just crazy. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Her voice slightly cracked at the end.

“No, there’s no need to apologize. I can’t even imagine how hard this is on you. Just, let me process this. When’s your next day off?”

“Wednesday.” She looked at me quizzically.

“Can we meet for lunch then? We can figure everything out. I won’t make you do this on your own.” She looked up to meet my eyes and I had to look away. I slowly stood and walked back inside, feeling like I would faint. I began walking through the restaurant, needing to get out of here. My eyes found Niall and he gave me a knowing look with a small nod and I rushed out of the restaurant. I got to my car and started it up before realizing if I left Niall would have no way home. I looked at the clock and saw there were 4 more hours until he’d begin closing and decided on simply driving around until I would come back to pick him up.

I drove for at least an hour, or at least in felt that way, until I reached the rocky beach of my favorite lake. It was a large enough body of water that it made you feel like you were by the ocean; you could only see the other side if you looked hard enough and knew it was there. It was my favorite place to go no matter what I was feeling. When I was happy it just enhanced the emotion and when I was sad or upset in any way it helped me clear my mind. I walked out and found a large log to sit on, wrapping my arms around myself as the cold wind whipped against my cheeks.

I became so lost in my thoughts the darkness dropped around me without me realizing. I glanced at my phone and saw I had 20 minutes to get back to get Niall. I immediately ran to my car and sped off.

When I arrived at his restaurant he had his back turned to lock the front door. As he turned to me, he sent a dazzling smile my way before sauntering to the car.

“Hey babe.” He greets me empathetically.

I looked at him, trying to weakly smile before the weight of the situation crashed down on me and I once again could no longer breathe. Sobs began to rack my body as Niall pulled me across the seat into his arms. He held me close, with his mouth against my ear, whispering “shh” and “it’ll be okay” as he carded his fingers through my hair. We sat like this for several minutes; I have no idea how long. But I felt like I would never be able to pull myself together. Any option I weighed in my mind didn’t seem right and I wish more than anything I could go back in time before this happened.

“Baby, let’s get home. Let me drive and once were home I’ll make you some tea and we can talk about everything, okay?” Niall whispered before kissing the top of my head. I slightly nodded and slowly moved to get off of him. He got out and I crawled into his seat, replacing him and waiting for him to come around. Once he sat down in the driver’s seat I immediately laid my head in his lap, gently tracing circles on his leg.

He drove us back to my flat and practically carried me inside, through the pub and up the stairs. He ushered me to my bed and brought Charlie in and set him on the bed next to me with a playful smile on his face and leant to kiss my forehead before going to the kitchen to make some tea.

He came back in and set the cup on the table beside me before gently lifting the covers to lay on my side. He pulled me into his chest and gently rubbed my back.

“What do you want to do, babe?”

“I don’t know.” I squeaked. A few moments passed before either of us spoke. “I don’t want to leave her alone. But I don’t want to be a part of her life, nor her mine. And I don’t want to just not take responsibility and live with the guilt for the rest of my life. But I also don’t want half custody of my child. Fuck.” I buried my face into his chest, gripping his shirt tightly in my fist.

“I know it’ll be a weird situation but if you want to be a part of the baby’s life, we can do something to make it work. It’s up to you, angel, but that’s your child. I just sort of feel like you should at least be around.” Niall said, lightly drawing shapes in my back with his fingertips.

“I agree. I know I won’t just ignore the situation. I’ll take responsibility. I just… I know that from this point on my life will forever be changed.”



Sorry about the short chapter and the long wait! I still have a little under a month left of school but once I'm done I should be able to get much longer chapters out more often. :) This chapter is dedicated to @K_arry because she's been so amazing since we started talking and she just deserves to many dedications :) love you! xx

What do you guys think Harry should do? :)

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