Sweeney todd: Life Without lucy chapter 1

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I can't believe she knew. She lied to me. How could she? After all I have done... WE have done. What now? At least I got my revenge. The judge. I got the jugde. I had my revenge. But lucy... She... We... Maybe we COULDN'T have a life together... Maybe Nellie was right MAYBE... What Sweeney stop it you! You killed your wife and Johanna is probably gone with Anthony now.. Unless.. I ran as fast as my legs could go, to the barbershop, to Nellie's place. Here I stand. In front of the pieshop. I didn't came for Nellie, I came for Johanna so I open the door and just ignore her. That's what I'll do. Just ignore. "OH MR T. YOU'RE BACK I TOUGHT I'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN I.... Mister T? You listening to me?" Her voice was sweet, happy and sad at the same time, filled with love and anger. Just ignore her Sweeney. I ran upstairs. Oh God please let Johanna my dear be here. "JOHANNA?? ANTHONY??", No one replied. I opened the chest on the side where I killed Pirelli. You could still see a bit of his blood. Poor Nellie probably started cleaning it until she got sick. Sweeney what are you doing stop thinking about Nellie stop thinking about her. Inside the chest was nothing but more blood and a few pounds. I lost everything... My wife... My daughter... My friend. Everything... Except Nellie. But how could I ever trust her again? She said the did it because she loved me but a person who lies to you doesn't truely love you right? Maybe she did it to protect me, to protect me from my own wife. Because she became all mad, changed, maybe she knew I couldn't be able to deal with it if I saw what the years have done with her. Suddenly I heard the door. Could it be Johanna? Maybe Anthony? "Oh mister T you're here I... Why did you run away", Nellie spoke with her soft voice. Her hair caught the light perfectly and her black haircolor turned chocolatebrown. She looked very tired and still so lovely. Ah Sweeney what are you doing? Because of her you killed your wife remember? "Why did you lie to me?", I asked once again knowing the answer would be the same. I just wanted to hear it again. I wanted to hear she loved me. Just once more to be totally sure. "I already told you mister T... I love you..." She spoke shy and soft. I looked around. My once beloved home where I used to be with Lucy and Johanna every night for hours, telling stories of mypast voyages, became dark. The wallpaper used to be lemon green but over the years it became dirty, old. Maybe just like the wallpapers in the room, just like my once beloved London, just like that, changed Lucy. Mabey she did change too much to be loved again, maybe she did became mad. "Why didn't you just told me? I'd have seen myself Lucy wasn't... So perfect anymore?" Both Nellie and I looked sad, wanting to go to bed, wanting this day to be over. But it wasn't that easy. It's never that easy. Life isn't easy. "I wanted to.. I really did... I was just scared because if you saw what she became you might wanted to end your life, we could never had something together if you'd have known, I'm so sorry mr. T, but I love you so much... I..." She stopped. Nothing came out of her mouth anymore, her troath was blocked. Blocked with anger, sadness, love and who knows what more. Maybe she's right. I barely remember Lucy, 15 years. 15 years of sweating, dreaming I might come home to a wife and child. But the child grew up, Johanna might even found true love and who am I to take that away from her? And Lucy, my dearest Lucy, she did became mad, mad from every cruel thing in this world. She couldn't take it anymore, and she's at a better place now I guess.

"Mr T, we still can build up a life you know. I might not be Lucy and Toby might not be Johanna but we could get along. If you just would understand how I feel... I-", she tried to calm me down. Was she for real? I was really loosing it now "I JUST MURDERED MY OWN WIFE BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU ARE SAYING I NEED TO UNDERSTAND?" I yelled. My voice was full of anger and her eyes were full of sadness. Nellie opened her mouth to say something but the sound of an old door opening cut her off. "Johanna my dear wait there I'll be back in 5minu- oh why mister Todd I'm sorry I didn't see you there I'm sorry to interupt but I left my coat here and-" "JOHANNA? IS SHE THERE?" I suddenly felt like someone had thrown a warm blanket over my shoulders. "Oh yes she is but I think I better go now..." "Anthony no wait... I'd... I'd like to meet her". Anthony's eyes opened and he asked: "why do you want to? She's kinda in shock and I don't know why it's just from an hour ago when he hid here" wait... Right before I... Killed Lucy there was this lad in the shop. Was it Johanna? Was I attend to muderder not only my wife but also my daughter? I felt sadness running trough my veins "Mister Todd are you okay?" "Oh yes... I just wanna see this charmer of yours, I heard so much about her she must be great. Please bring me to her Anthony?" Anthony nobbed and walked to the door and stepping downstairs. I heard Nellie following but I ignored. I was so close to see my beloved daughter again. "Johanna my love this is my friend I told you about this is mister Todd" Johanna's eyes opened, wide in horror. She reconised me and I reconised her from a few hours ago back in the shop. What do I do now? What on earth do I do now? What if i just ignore what happened? Maybe she thinks she was wrong? The blood was washed out of my face and hair because of the rain anyways I was covered in blood she couldn't reconise me! "Why hey there dear you wouldn't mind a meat pie would you?" I heard Nellie asking and I looked at her. I didn't knew if I had to be mad. How can I stay mad at this beautiful woman? I think I might... Start feeling something for her, the same thing I felt for Lucy back in the days. "Mister Todd I really think we should be leaving beca-" "why, I want to meet that lover of yours there Anthony my friend please? Just one pie? Nellie why don't you go get us a few pies?" Anthony nobbed and Johanna watched me passing by in horror and confussed. I was Anthony's friend, why would I almost muder her? "Come in lad here you have a nice juicy meatpie. Take as many as you like it's from the house" Nellie gave us three a pie and called Toby over to have one too. "Is that your son? And... Are you married" Johanna asked us.

Sweeney todd: Life Without lucy chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now