Chapter 6

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A/N: sorry it always takes me ages to update, I mostly write it in my room and don't have wifi to post it so yea >< anyways, enjoy! :D

"Mister T... I might have an idea, I don't know if it will work but well..."

"What is it?", I took a sip of beer. I was still hangover from the day before, but I didn't care and at least the headache stopped while I was drinking. Drinking even more after a hangover might not be the best idea, but at least it makes you forget.

"Why-... Why don't we go to America as well? She went to America right? Johanna said they were going to New York, and how big can that city be? We might find them there..."

"Yea we might, I mean we could but what after that? What will you say? 'Hi! Yea no we totally didn't wanna spy on you or something no we just, uhm, randomly passed by. Yes I know this is the other part of the world, we're uhm... Looking for new recepies'? Because I can asure you, they won't believe that. And I swear, there's nothing in the world I want more than have my Johanna back, but I can't. And I wont, at least not as long as Anthony is alive and Johanna is traumatized. And I'm not gonna kill Anthony, I can't blame him for falling in love with my daughter, I guess? Also, I've had enough of the sea. I don't wanna travel anymore."

"You're right, I'm sorry. But at least, Anthony is a decent guy, he won't hurt her, he'll fight to give her the best, I'm sure."

I knew. I knew this would happen from the begining. Even if Johanna had stayed, even if Anthony was never there, what would he have told her? She would have never believed, he might never even found her if it weren't Anthony.

At least she still had the necklace, so they were still a bit connected, so there was still a bit of Benjamin and Lucy with her, even if she never knew it. That's what's probably the worst thing, that she didn't even realize what happened, how she ended up with Turpin, who her real mom and dad were. It was all unknown for her, and it would most likely stay that way.

"Mum? Mum? Can I help you wi- oh I'm sorry did I interupt you? I'm sorry mister Todd, I-"

"Don't worry Toby, take a seat, do you want a pie boy?", I said, while I kept drinking, but Toby's eyes grew, and so did Nellie, they probably weren't used to me being so nice to the boy. And they were right, I never was so nice to the boy. But Nellie loves him, and he's a kid without parents, just like Johanna was once, even though she thought she knew her dad. And I should probably try to win his trust, the boy isn't stupid, he might discover my past soon of nothing happens. He's smart enough to figure it out on his own anyway.

"Are you sure? Don't I have to do any work?"

"No Toby, sit, take a pie!"

"Well... I'll get 2 pies for you boys then..." Nellie said confused, yet happy. She did a little spin on one foot, turned toward the kitchen and came back with 2 meatpies, that were still hot. It was probably the Judge by now.

Toby and I talked a bit, but he sounded very unsure about everything, and I can't blame him, the kid must have been deadscared of me.

"Have you ever read a book Toby?", I used to read books, well as Benjamin, so a long long time ago. I enjoyed reading, it was like escaping, however, only a very small

group of the population can read. And I was one of those lucky people.

"I never learned how to read, mister Todd"

"You know you can call me Sweeney right? Do you want me to teach you? i still have a few books like Robinson Crusoe and Candide."

"Uhm, yea? Sure? Well only if you want to and have time okay?", Toby suddenly seemed to be very scared, and looked at me like I was gonna kill him. Maybe he once saw the corpses when he was working, maybe he knows what I- no, we, are doing? Maybe he's scared to run away? Whatever reason it was, it was pretty much my fault.

"Yea I'm sure Toby, let's start right away, shall we?"

I took a book from the self behind me.


"That was very nice of you, mister T"


"Well, teaching Toby how to read, of course. The boy is growing you know, and not everyone is lucky enough to know how to read."

"Yea well, I was thinking, Johanna lived without her parents too, and okay she thought she had a dad, but you know what I mean, and maybe, well... Maybe I should help Toby too, just because I didn't succeed with Johanna doesn't mean Toby doesn't need a father figure, you know?"

"Why, mister T, that's very nice of you. We could live here all together! But what I wanted to talk about... What ate we gonna do with the pieshop and all that...?"

I wonder if the 'and all that' also was about our kiss... Our love.

I did love Nellie, I just wasn't sure. I'm not sure to trust this dark haired woman into my brain. Yet, my thoughts kept wandering off to her beautiful dark eyes every time I tried to do something, or how her hair flows, or ho- SWEENEY! STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! Stop! Now wasn't the time, never was the time.

"Well, let's get one thing straight, I'm not gonna kill people anymore, I've got my revenge, Johanna is gone, and Toby hanging around here is too big of a risk"

"You're right, but I saved up some money, so I guess we can buy some good, quality, real meat now? However, people don't seem to enjoy is as much as.. Well... You know", she looked outside, to one of the priests, "you know, we could always move out, we could move to a little house down by the sea, Toby could might even attend a school there"

"Do you have any idea how much that costs? And what are you gonna do with this? People are not gonna rent a house with a room they think is haunted, are they?"

"You're right, but I might know someone who would want this house, and you know how much money we made?"

Now I thought about it, no I didn't. I didn't care about money in the first place, I just wanted revenge, not the money.

"Well we made enough to let Toby go to school there, buy food and water and rent a house for at least a few years, and if we could sell this then, well..."

Well it did make sense, meat isn't cheap, so she probably put the price high, and she didn't even had to pay for the meat.

The people they killed also paid in advance for their close shave, so that was dubble the money.

"Right well, if that would make you so happy and if you can sell the shop, why not, I guess?"

"Oh mr. T! You don't know how happy that would make me I-" she slowed down and leaned more towards me and slowly closed her eyes. I knew what she was doing, but did I really want it myself? Oh damn it, the history of the world is learn forgiveness and try to forget! I leaned in myself, and before I knew it, our lips were touching. It wasn't the first time, but I'm not really sure if the first time counted as I was drunk then.

I put my thoung in her mouth when- "MOM? MISTER TODD? I- oh I'm disturbing you... Again... I'm uhm I'll beter go I see uhm okay I'm sorry uhm bye?" He quickly ran off.

"TOBY? TOBY? We need to tell you something, come back, dear!"

"What- what is it?"

"We... We're gonna move. We're gonna live by the sea, us three! You can go to a school too if you like! Ain't that wonderful??"

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