Chapter 3

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What to do now? Shall I let my only daughter whom I only have known for a few days leave already? I couldn't kill Anthony, she would notice, and he was my friend I couldn't just do that! How it would brake her heart! What to do?

I was so sad and yet kinda happy. Johanna loves Anthony and just they other way around, it was so cute to see it made my heart smile. And even though Johanna didn't know I was her father she was very sweet to me. But I felt so guilty! I almost had killed her! She will probably not sleep for nights because of nightmares! And what if she reconised me? I took a sip of my glass of ale. And another one. I had not been drunk since a while and I didn't had the time to drink. But I have all the time now right, I killed my wife, my daughter is leaving with my friend and Nellie, oh Nellie she probably never wanted to see me again either. I was mad on her. Very mad, she lied to me! Because she loved me... I couldn't believe my ears! She loved me! for how long has she been loving me? And how did she mean it? Some people say they love you but they actually just mean they care, or they just lie. Because the world isn't a fair place is it? People lie every day. But Nellie was so different... The way she told me... So soft so understanding so LOVING. My eighth pint of ale went in and I barely could hear myself thinking now. There were footsteps on the staircase but it sounded like thunder, my head hurted and I tried to get up but no matter how hard I tried I failed. So I decided I might could spend the night here on this bench. Not that it made any different to my already cold heart. "Ah you great useless thing. You got yourself drunk." Nellie said. Where the heck did she came from? She wasn't there a few minutes earlier right? "Wh-where you.. You 'ere all al-long?" "I heard some bottles downstairs so I thought I might should take a look and luckely for you I did!" "Cou- don't t'lk tha-that louud" my head was ready to burt into a million pieces. "Ah come on let's get you upstairs" she put her arms under me trying to carry a bit of weight but this wasn't easy. How her hair shone in the candlelight! Her beautiful face reflected a bit of light and she looked so perfect in every way! If I could just...

" 'Ere we are now go to sleep okay?" "I-I love y-you" I said on a very drunk way "of course you don't don't fool yourself you're drunk" she said gently and sad. She knew I were drunk, no way I could hide that but it wasn't really a lie... I did love her kinda in a sort of weird way, but I didn't want to tell her. Now I was drunk was my chance. "Oh but I do" I said again and then she did something I didn't expect. She leaned closer in and my lips touched hers, my stomic felt like a milion butterflies, yet I wanted to keep cool. After one little gentle kiss she pulled away. "I know you do" she finally said and left the room.

Whow what did just happen? Did I forgave her that easily? Do I really fall that hard for that pretty brownhaired woman?

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