Chapter 2

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"We eh... We're not married" Nellie said quickly and added "we got Toby from the workhouse. He worked for an Italian in a barber shop before but... Now he's here." "Oh so you don't have a love affair?" Johanna asked again "because you see I think you are kinda cute together" she cracked a smile and Nellie looked my way and even though I tried to ignore it, it felt warm, happy and loving but oh so sad. "Johanna I really think-" "no don't worry Anthony. Have you got anything else to say or ask me dear?" Johanna seemed more calm now. "Well actually these are very good meatpies? What's in them? I've never had meat like this before" there it was. A question somebody would ask and we knew the answer, we only didn't knew how to reply. Telling the truth would've killed her, but lieing she'd notice. Johanna grew up by judge turpin, he's rich enough to buy her some real meat. I looked at Nellie but obviouse she didn't knew how to reply either. "Uhm it's called.. What kind of animal is it again I forgot... I think it's a combo of sheep and pork" I said hoping she'd believe it and she nobbed while watching the pie. "Do you want some ale?" "Mrs Lovett you're not gonna give the girl ale are you?" Johanna interupted "what? You think a proper lady can't drink?" She took Anthony's glass of ale and drank it all at once. Wow how did she do that? Probably got it from her father. "Now have fun getting that drunken one on the boat again Anthony" we joked around. After a few hours of learning to know Anthony and Johanna more, they decided it was time to leave. But they couldn't! They wouldn't!

"Anthony, it's getting very dark why don't you stay overnight?" "We already are late, we need to get to America, find a new life, we have to make sure the judge can't find us!" I couldn't tell anthony I murdered the jugde, right? "I heard the judge was gonna leave London soon, I don't think he will stay another day but if you get on the same boat..." Nellie lied. I looked at her with a thankful face, 'cause to be honest, I didn't know what to answer anymore. "Oh yea... Indeed mrs Lovett I didn't think of that I'm sorry you're right. Would you mind us staying here over the night?" What would I do? Of course I wanted to let them stay, but I couldn't keep them forever right? "Yea of couse dear, stay as long as you like", Nellie answered. "So Toby how did you come here? You are obviously not their son as they aren't married", Johanna asked and Toby looked up. "Oh me? I came from the workhouse" "Naw you poor thing it must have been aweful there!" johanna cried, "you're so lucky to find such wonderful people who take care of you now Toby, you know that?" Toby simply nobbed. "Those pies are amazing Mrs Lovett I bet you earn goldmines with these!" Johanna was such a wonderful child, and so sweet. Mrs Lovett cracked a weak smile because it kinda hurted her to know what exactly Johanna was eating. "Now Johanna my dear I think we better get to bed because tomorrow will be a big day" Anthony said standing up

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