How it started /ch.1

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Italics is French! Just fyi. Sorry for any mistakes.

Lau's POV:

It all started the day after his last fling broke it off with him for an older, richer guy. He came home at two in the morning and went straight to my room. He was lucky I was awake. I was playing on my phone when my door flies open and the afroed boy came running and collapsing on my bed. He quickly climbed to me and bawled into my chest. Confused and worried I pulled him closer letting him cry out whatever was wrong with him. Ten minutes of soothing and cuddling he looked up at me with big puffy brown eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" His pitiful voice said. Wiping his tears I kiss his forehead.

"Nothing. Why what's wrong?" Suddenly he sat up and scooted away.

"You're gonna call me a baby." He whined.

"No, I'm not. Now come on. Tell me." With a deep sigh, he placed his hands between his knees and looked at me.

"I-I caught her..." He looked down. My heart sank. He put his all in for that girl.

"She was with this...older guy a-and she had on the lingerie I had bought her. Sh-she didn't even feel bad when I saw her. She just smirked...threw me a bag filled with my stuff and kicked me out."

His tears had come back full force, his voice cracking, and his breathing labored. My poor baby brother. He really did care about her. He cut off all his side girls, changed his number, they took their time with everything and now this. Grabbing his fro I gently tugged him to me. I laid him down as he snuggled into my chest.

"You're not a baby. Now sshh get some rest and I'll take you out tomorrow and help you forget her ok?" I say in the sweetest voice I could muster.

"Okay." He said snuggling even closer.

"I love you, Lau."

"I love you too Larry." After that night I figured he'd go back to being his regular self but boy was I wrong. He got clingier and clingier. I mean last week on the way home from a club appearance we got in the car and he sat in my lap and fell asleep. I will admit the affection is great but this is getting ridiculous. Today we have a workshop and he's excited. He made me sit down and watch his choreography and then tell him what I thought of it. Of course, I loved it and he smiled kissing my cheek.

"Thanks, Lau Lau." That's another thing he's been calling me Lau Lau. We get to the workshop and everything was going fine until I was about to let my group go on their own and Larry came running over pulling on my sleeve.

"Lau Lau I gotta potty." He whispered.

"Then go." He shook his head.

"No, come with me please." I sighed.

"Larry you're a grown man I don't need to-." I was cut off by a sea of gasps when I see Larry start to cry. I look down seeing he'd wet himself. Taken back I looked at him in shock.

"I-I told you I n-n-needed to p-potty Lau Lau." He stood there almost frozen I think with fear and embarrassment. Taking his hand I led him to the bathroom stripping him down and wiping his face.

"It's ok. It's ok. Don't cry. I got you ok?" He nodded sniffling. I stood up kissing his hair.

"I have to go get your bag so I can get your clothes so stay here." His head shot up.

"Don't leave me."

"It'll only be for five minutes I promise I'll hurry back."

"Promise?" He said holding out his pinky.

"Promise." I say locking our fingers. I quickly go get our bags, getting bombarded by questions on if Larry's ok.

"Guys he's fine but I would appreciate if everyone left. He's highly upset and it'd be better if I could get him home so please don't be mad." Everyone agreed and began to leave, leaving all the gifts out for Eleni to grab.

"Lau is he ok?"

"He's fine but I gotta go. Bye." I rushed back to the bathroom hearing small whimpers.

"Look I'm back." I say kissing his head again.

"I-I'm gross Lau Lau." He sniffled.

"I'm gonna clean you up don't worry." I grabbed one of my towels and wet it before wiping him down real good. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a sweater from his bag and had him get dressed before putting everything from his bag in mine and his dirty clothes in his. Wiping away some more tears he looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry. I ruined the workshop. Please don't be mad." He whimpered.

"Larry I'm not mad. Let's get home so you can have a nice warm bath and relax." He nodded. I went to head out when I felt his hands grab mine. He slightly hid behind me as we waited for the car. Getting home and getting him cleaned up I made dinner and set out the plates. He came into the kitchen still wiping tears.

"Larry please stop crying."

"Lau Lau look." He held up his phone. I looking seeing Instagram up and it said: "when daddy forgets to diaper you."

Someone had a video of Larry peeing himself and made a joke out of it. I look down as he wipes more tears off his face and his breathing hitching like crazy.

"Oh, Larry." I lay the phone down pulling him close as he cried.

"E-everyone's l-laughing at m-m-me." I sigh. I sit in the chair beside his making him look at me.

"So you had a little accident. It's alright. Let them talk. You're stronger than this. So don't cry let's eat and then go to bed ok?"

"Y-you don't think I'm weird?"

"No bunny I don't." He blushed as a small smile plays on his lips. He loves it when I call him bunny. He said it made him feel special. Getting fed and heading to my room I get comfy before there's a knock on my door.

"What Larry?"

"I-I wanna sleep wi-with you." I sigh waving him in. He slowly climbs into bed with me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Lau."

"Your welcome Larry."

"Nigh-night Lau Lau."

"Goodnight Larry." Little did I know that night would change everything.

Ok new book. Tell me what you think. Larrys_Daddy read this!
Love you all😙😙

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