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Sorry for any mistakes!

Lau's POV:

My poor bunny. I just gave him a bath and now he's sitting in my lap on the couch holding his stomach whimpering in pain.

"Bunny how long has it been since you ate?"

"S-since you left." I hugged him closer extremely angry.

"Don't worry daddy will get you healthy again. Here let me call Eleni and cancel everything until you get better."

"Y-you sure?"

"Of course. My bunny is first priority over everything." He smiled weakly as I laid him down on the couch and grabbed the phone. I dialed her number and she answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Laurent."

"Hey, Eleni I need you to do something for me?"


"Can you cancel all upcoming events?"


"Larry's bad sick and can't eat. I don't wanna do anything until he's better."

"Alright alright, I'll do it. Anything else."

"No, I think that's it for now."

"Ok. Well, call if you need anything."

"I will. Bye." I hung up before getting a reply. Going back into the living room I see Larry sitting up poking at his ribs through his large shirt.

"Bunny what are you doing?"

"Bunny skinny."


"Bunny a skeleton." He says not looking up at me.

"I know. Daddy's gonna get you all better." I went to hug him but was punched in the chest granted weak he had force.

"I begged you not to leave. I cried and cried and you left me here!" He said beginning to cry. I gathered him in my lap holding him close knowing he wouldn't fight long.

"Bunny I didn't do it on purpose. I thought she'd take care of you. She seemed so excited to come and in her words play and color and do anything you wanted. If I'd have known this would've happened. You would've come with me. I'm so so so sorry. I want nothing more than to make it better." He tucked his head under my chin crying. My arms wrapped around his tiny frame.

"Bunny I know you hurt but crying will only hurt you more. Please don't cry. Daddy loves you with all his heart. Daddy missed you so much he came home early." He sniffled and wrapped his arms around my neck sitting up.

"Daddy he hurt me. He-he..."

"Sshhh I know. I'm so sorry. No one should hurt my baby. Especially like that."

"Daddy wouldn't do that to bunny would he?"

"No. Never. You're too precious for daddy to hurt."

"Daddy love bunny. And bunny loves daddy." He says kissing my cheek. I smile.

"Daddy's happy you love him. You wanna try to eat again. We can take smaller bites and wait between each one so it doesn't hurt your tummy."

"Ok." He said laying his head back down on my shoulder. Standing up I take him back into the kitchen.

"You want daddy to hold you or do you want in your chair?"

"Hold me?"

"Ok bunny." Pressing a kiss to his cheek I sit down and begin to feed him. We take slow bites and pause in between to make sure he doesn't get sick again. Suddenly he lets out a pained gasp.

Baby Boy {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now