ch. 5

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Important!!! In this chapter, there will be a lot of not nice happenings. I must say what you're about to read actually happens within the Cgl community and it is awful. I'm not gonna go into grave detail but you'll get the hint. I'm only adding it to bring a sense of truth and knowledge to those who don't know anything about this lifestyle other than its cute. Thank you.
This will be in Larry's POV.
Sorry for any mistakes!

Larry's POV:

Lynn let me watch his plane leave and I couldn't stop the tears that escaped my eyes. I miss him so much already. She takes my hand and leads me back to the car. Getting home I sit on the couch with my bunny focusing on my breathing until I was harshly pushed off.

"Babies don't sit on couches they stay on the floor." Confused I just play with my bunny until I felt like drawing.



"I wanna draw."

"And I wanna go to Hawaii but no I'm stuck here with you." I was shocked. She was just so nice yesterday. I got up to go to my room when she kicked my legs making me fall.

"If you're gonna be a baby you crawl dumbass." I held the side of my leg tearing up. I quickly crawled away and hid in the corner of my room. Why was she acting like this? I see my drawing stuff and I stand up ignoring the pain in my leg and get them off the shelf daddy had them on. Drawing a picture for daddy when he gets back my door is suddenly slammed shut. Startled I get up and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"L-lynn?" I say loudly. Getting no response I climb into my bed and sit in the corner beginning to cry. I sit in my room for hours before the door is opened. I'd wet myself and it was beginning to burn.

"Oh god. Why does it smell like urine?"

"I-I wet myself."

"Well then change."

"I can't by myself." Huffing she had me lay down on the bed untaping my diaper before a sinister smile appeared. She walked off and came back with a bowl of macaroni before slamming my door shut leaving me half naked and afraid. Climbing out of bed I find where daddy keeps my baby spoons and I begin to eat. Thirty minutes after I feel a pressure in my tummy and I knew exactly what it was. Panicking I bang on my door.

"Lynn! Lynn please!"


"I-I gotta potty."

"Not my problem."

"Lynn please!" The door opened and she pushed me back against my bed tying something around my mouth and my hands before leaving again. I look down seeing she'd tied my hands together and I couldn't get it undone. Going to a mirror I see she'd put a pacifier gag on me. Now I'm half naked, tied and gagged. I felt humiliated. Feeling the pressure increase I could only think of one thing. Daddy had bought a trash can with a lid and since she won't let me out that's my only other option. Fighting my embarrassment I did my business in the trash before attempting to clean myself and closing the lid putting it on the other side of my room. Crying with utter shame I hide in the corner from before praying this wouldn't last the whole two weeks. Unfortunately, it did. Each day getting worse. Today I'm filthy. I haven't had a bath in four days. I haven't eaten since the first night and I feel like my stomach is eating itself. I haven't heard from daddy in days and I'm wondering how she's lying to him. Suddenly my door opened, the first time since Monday.

"Come here. He's gonna video chat and I need you looking presentable." She dragged me up by my hair and damn near drowned me in the tub. I didn't care though at least I'm clean. She sat me on the couch in a diaper and a onesie. Soon the phone went off and daddy was calling.

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