Ending 1

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Author's POV

F/n froze as she processed what M/n had told her. 'He....he loves me?' F/n snapped back into reality when M/n grabbed her hand.

He gave her a loving smile, "I was afraid to tell you but my father and Squish gave me courage."

M/n began to move in closer but F/n quickly snatched her hand away and backed up. "Um wow. M/n, I....." F/n became flustered as she tried to break it to him gently, that she only saw him as her best friend.

M/n chuckled and walked closer, making F/n back up. "No, M/n I...I don't know how to tell you this but I--"

M/n cut her off, "I understand. You don't want to confess in front of everyone. We can go and--"

F/n stomped her foot and screamed, "I don't love you!!!"

It seemed like the whole world had stopped. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke.

F/n panted while M/n stared at her wide-eyed. F/n realized what she said and quickly ran to hold M/n's hand. "Wait, no! That's not what I meant! I do love you, but I only love you as my best fri---."

M/n snatched his hand back from F/n. He took two steps back and his tears began to fall. F/n gasped and tried to reach out for him but he smacked her hand away. He laughed as his tears cascaded down his cheeks, "No. I-I get it. I n-need to go."

M/n turned back toward the water and jumped in just as F/n almost had his shirt in her grasp. F/n collapsed onto her knees and let a single tear fall down her cheek. She whispered, "What did I just do?"

A month later

Author's POV

F/n sat at her desk doing her work. She didn't talk, she didn't move too quickly. A few of her coworkers whispered about her.

"Hey, do you think she's okay?" The first girl glanced at F/n.

"I don't know. I heard someone close to her left." The guy explained.

"Why?" Another girl pitched in.

"They say that it was her fault. Apparently they told her something and she blew up at---" The taller girl was cut off by a booming noise.

F/n had slammed her laptop closed. She glared at the group of four and threw her laptop into her bag. She picked her bag up and stormed out of the room.

She rushed into the bathroom and made sure no one was inside. She locked the door and ran to a sink. She gripped the edges of the sink as she stared at her broken reflection. She tried to smile but it did nothing but make her want to cry. She dropped her bag onto the floor and just stared at herself.

Tears began falling one by one and she screamed, "Dammit!!" She raised her r/l fist and punched the mirror. The glass cracked multiple times but didn't break.

She cried and laughed as she looked into the mirror. She whispered to herself as she slid down to the floor, "Cracked but not broken. Almost like me."


M/n sat in his room. He did nothing but sit in his room. He never came out to eat. Whenever someone knocked he never answered. He never even moved from his spot on the bed. His family was worried for him for they all knew what had happened. His mate rejected him.

M/n's father was swimming through the corridors of the castle when he came upon a dark blue door. He sighed sadly because this room belonged to his eldest son, M/n. He gently laid his hand on the door as he hoped for his son to make it through.

He couldn't help but think it was his fault somehow. When M/n's father saw him swim into his room a month ago, he already knew what happened.

*flashback to the first week*

M/n's mother, Ara, swam up to her husband. "Irving, darling. Where's M/n?" Ara had been looking for M/n for the last day or two.

Irving had been standing on one of the many balconies of the castle that overlooked his beautiful kingdom. He took a deep sigh and turned to his loving wife. "Ara, my love. I'm afraid it's terrible." Ara's eyes widen and her gold and green with flecks of black tail swished nervously. Irving swam in front of his lovely wife. "Get the children and meet me in the family meeting room." Irving carresed his wife's face and she nodded. As she swam away her bright red hair swirled behind her and he sighed once again. He took one last look at his kingdom before swimming off.

Irving opened the large doors and was greeted with the concerned faces of his family. Irving gestured for them all to take a seat while he stood across from them. Irving gripped his hands behind his back and cleared his throat. "Well, I called you all here to talk about M/n. I know its been a week since any of us have seen or even heard him. The day he came back.......was the day he was going to confess to his mate."

Ara gasped and quickly swam up to her husband. "He found someone! Oh my darling boy! I should go and---" Irving grabbed Ara's shoulders before she could swim off.

"My dear...... His mate rejected him." Ara gasped and tears began to well up in her crystal blue eyes. Ara let her tears fall before she quickly fled the room with a heart breaking sob.

Nerida swam towards her father with pity and fear in her black eyes. "Father...... Please tell me it isn't true." Irving could do nothing but shake his head. Nerida flinched and covered her mouth. "Th-then that means he's...." Nerida swam out of the room before she could finish.

"Hey! What's the big deal. We don't get it!" Mira chimed from her chair and Kai, who sat next to her, nodded his head.

Irving swam around the table and placed his hands on his young children's shoulders. "My babes. If your mate rejects you...... It will cause you to become depressed. So depressed that it could kill you. Merpeople only have a small chance of making it out alive and well." Irving put his head down and closed his eyes.

"Y-you mean b-big brother will....." Mira didn't even finish speaking before she began wailing and throwing a fit. "It's not fair! I want my big brother!" Mira seethed as she swam out of the room as well.

A few moments later, a banging on a door and screams could be heard. Irving grimaced and turned to his second son. Kai had his head toward the table and his long maroon hair covered his would be black eyes. Irving patted his son's shoulder before he himself swam out of the room.

*flashback over*

Irving slowly slid his hand off of the door and stood there. 'M/n. I wish that I could save you but this is a battle that you have to win on your own. You have to win against yourself. It's already been a month. Merpeople usually die after two or three. I hope you make it before then......' Irving closed his eyes and gave a small wish to anyone who was listening.

"Please, save my son."

And that is the end of ending one! I know this probably isn't the ending you want but! Remember that I still have two more endings after this! You'll get all three today so just wait.

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