Ending 3

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Author's POV

F/n froze as she processed what M/n had told her. 'He....he loves me?' F/n snapped back into reality when M/n grabbed her hand.

"I understand if this is confusing but I promise you that I---" M/n was cut off by F/n lunging at him and knocking them both to the ground.

"M/n! I love you too!" F/n gave a face splitting smile making M/n's e/c eyes widen. M/n hugged F/n to his chest smiled towards the ocean.

"I did it Squish!"

"I'm so proud of you M/n! Wait until we tell our family."

M/n's eyes widened and he gently lifted F/n to her knees so he could sit up. "F/n. I-I love you but we have to make a decision."

F/n's smile died slightly but she remained happy. "What is it?"

M/n glanced to the ocean. He stood up and also helped F/n get to her feet. He held her hand and gave a closed mouth smile. "I'm....I'm a merman, F/n."

F/n gasped. 'He's right.' F/n gripped his hand tighter. "M/n. Please stay with me. I-I love you. I don't want to lose you." F/n's eyes watered slightly. "I'll do whatever it takes to stay with you, so please."

M/n pulled F/n back into his chest. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I'll......."

Time skip to two and a half years

"Do you promise to never leave his side and to stay faithful until times end?" King Irving stood proudly.

"I promise." F/n slightly swished her f/c tail in excitment.

King Irving turned towards his son, M/n. "Do you promise to never leave her side and to stay faithful until times end?"

M/n grinned, "I promise."

Irving raised both of his hands and hovered them over the couple's linked hands. "Then by the seven seas and four oceans of this earth, I now bind you both in love and in life. You may now seal this bond with a kiss."

M/n spun F/n around and gently dipped her into a kiss. The entire kingdom cheered for their new heirs.


The entire kingdom celebrated the union of their future king and queen. M/n and F/n both sat on a float that trailed throughout the kingdom. F/n swished her f/c tail and thought about how her family reacted.

*flashback to three months after confession*

F/n, M/n, and F/n's family had just finished eating dinner at F/n's house. F/n stood up and pulled M/n up with her. She clapped her hands and cheered, "Okay guys! M/n and I will put the dishes away while you guys hang out in the living room."

F/n's father, Danny, stood from his seat as well. "Are you sure? I could take it from he---."

F/n quickly cut him off and shoved them all into the living room. "No no! Its completely fine!" Once it was just her and M/n in the dining room she sighed in relief.

M/n walked up to her and stroked her h/c hair. "It'll be fine. I'm sure they'll be accepting and if not", M/n reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle of maroon liquid, "I brought the special forgettable potion."

M/n smirked as F/n playfully hit his arm. "M/n! I will not let you use a potion on my family."

M/n laughed, "I know, I know. It was a joke. But trust me, they'll be understanding." M/n pulled F/n into his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Now, let's finish the dishes and tell them the news."

The movie finished and F/n cut the TV off and stood in front of it. M/n turned the lights on and joined F/n.

Alexander and Toby glanced at each other while Joseph continued with his happy go lucky smile. "Um sis? What's going on?" Alex, being the second oldest and smartest of the group of four, quickly caught on to the strange atmosphere.

F/n held M/n's hand and cleared her throat. "Well, you all have known M/n for a super long time now, since before we started dating, but there is something we need to tell you." F/n figited and M/n squeezed her hand. She took a deep breath and calmly said, "M/n is a merman and I am his mate. We both decided that it would be better for me to become a mermaid and take the thrown as queen with M/n."

The room went dead quiet until Joseph and Danny both busted out laughing while Alexander face palmed. Toby, surprisingly, spoke up first, "Yea right sis. We're all twenty and up, you can't expect us to believe that."

F/n sighed and nudged M/n with her elbow. He glanced at her and then let go of her hand. He turned around and closed his eyes to concentrate. The laughter quieted down just as Alexander spoke, "What exactly are you trying to pul---."

M/n quickly turned around with a large smile on his face. That would have been normal except for now his eyes were entirely black, he had three rows of sharp teeth, his fingers were webbed, and his gills were showing on his neck.

At first it was dead silent but then Danny let out a very 'manly' scream.

*flashback over*

After everyone calmed down and both F/n and M/n explained, F/n's family was very understanding and supportive. Danny only had one request, that his little girl came to visit every once in a while. Her brothers also requested to visit her new home but that's still up for debate.

The float stopping pulled F/n out of her day dream. M/n grabbed her r/l hand and gave her a loving smile. "Are you ready for what humans would call our 'honeymoon'?"

F/n giggled into her s/c webbed hand and began to swim forward. "But of course my love!"

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