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F/n's POV

My arms were crossed over my chest and I was tapping my foot impatiently. I starred M/n down as we sat in silence. "Explain." M/n jumped at the sudden coldness of my voice and turned his head away.

"Wh-what do you mean, explain what?" M/n laughed nervously although it was very muffled. I glared even harder and I could see the sweat roll down his s/c forehead. I could tell that a few people in the café were starring at us but they were the least of my concern at the moment.

"Explain why you're wearing a scarf, pulled up over your nose, and shades even though it's the beginning of June and we are indoors!" M/n and some of the other people in the café jumped at the sound of my voice but one quick glare told the other customers to mind their own business. "This isn't the first time I've caught you wearing and doing weird things. So explain, now."

M/n kept looking away from me, probably looking for an escape route, but eventually sighed in defeat. "I can't tell you here. Come on." M/n grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from the table.

He pulled out a crumpled twenty to pay for our drinks, which didn't cost much, and left it on the table before pulling me out of the café. He dragged me down the street, through the busy crowd of people, and into a shaded alleyway.

We stopped walking and he turned his back to me. I continued to glare at him and spoke impatiently. "Alright we aren't in public anymore. Now please tell me why you wore long sleeved shirts, thick jeans, sunglasses, scarves, medical masks, and weird mitten things on your hands for the past month and a half!" I ended the countdown on my fingers and stood there panting. M/n didn't seemed fazed but he did turn to face me.

His shoulders drooped and his arms hung limp at his sides. "Okay I get it. I'll tell you but, do. Not. Freak. Out." I calmed down and nodded. M/n reached up and pulled both the glasses and scarf off but his eyes and mouth were closed. I was about to speak again but then he opened his eyes and gave me a sheepish smile.

"But...but...why?" M/n's eyes were pitch black and his teeth were sharp and pointed like when he's in his merman form. I glanced down and also noticed that his gills were on his neck too and a few scales were popping out above his shirt collar.

"Well for the past month my merman features have been popping up randomly. Some days it was the eyes, some days were the scales and gills. I've been trying to hide them but as you know it only drew more attention to me." M/n rubbed his neck and looked down at his feet.

I put my hands on his chin and made him look up/down at me. "Okay but why are they appearing like that?"

M/n kind of froze for a second before slumping his back against the wall. "Well at first I didn't know why either but I had asked my dad and apparently it means......." M/n mumbled the rest so I couldn't understand him.

I stepped closer to him and put my hand to my ear. "What does it mean?" M/n sighed and looked towards the sky with his eyes closed.

"It means that I've found my destined one." I froze for what felt like a month.

'His....destined one?' We stood in silence for a moment before I got the courage to question on. "When you say destined one you mean sort of like your soul mate right?" M/n nodded but continued to look at the sky. "So then, who is it?"

M/n's eyes flashed open and he jumped off the wall in a panic. "I-I can't tell you!!!" M/n held his arms in an x shape in front of him.

I squinted my eyes at him. "Why not?" 'I am his best friend so he should trust me, right?'

M/n backed away and I moved forward. "I.....I just can't tell you!" M/n turned around and ran out of the other end of the alleyway.

My eyes widen and I ran after him. "Hey M/n wait!!" I pushed my legs to move faster but he was still out of reach. "You don't have to tell me, just stop running!" He put his shades and scarf back on just before he rounded the corner into the busy street. I finally turned the corner too but I was immediately swept away into the sea of people.

'Damn it. I hope he isn't too upset with me...' I sighed deeply and then made my way back home.

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