You're Joking Right?

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M/n's POV

I swished my tail as quick as I could to reach our home. 'Please be home!' I got to the large golden kingdom that sat on the ocean floor. I smiled as I watched all of our citizens swim about and live peacefully.

"Hello Prince M/n! How are you today?" I stopped swimming and turned to the feminine voice. Three girl's swam up to me with smiles on their faces. The first one had a red theme, the second had a green theme, and the third had an orange theme.

I smiled kindly at them. "I'm doing just fine ladies but have any of you seen my parents or siblings floating around?"

The red and green girls shook their heads but the orange one seemed like she knew. "The Queen went to another kingdom for something and the King left the kingdom not too long ago in the direction of your home." Her friends looked at her in shock while I sighed in relief.

I swam up to her and hugged her which made her friends even more shocked. I held her shoulders and smiled. "Thank you very much! I'll see you around!" I let go of her and swam off just as she passed out into the arms of her friends.

I laughed a bit as I swam passed the kingdom and made it to a wide cave with beautiful coral reefs and underwater plants surrounding it. "I'm so glad we don't live in the kingdom 24/7." I swam inside and the Firefox fungus that clung to the walls, lit up the room.

I swam to the 'living room' and saw my sisters, Darya, Nerida, and Mira. Mira had a long silver tail with black hair and pale skin. Nerida had a golden tail with bright pink hair and tan skin. Darya had a light blue tail with white hair and brown skin. They were making pearl jewelry. "Hey clam shells, have you seen dad around?"

They all turned towards me and smiled. They quickly swam to me and hugged me. "M/n, you're back!!" I laughed and hugged them all back.

"I missed you guys too but I really need to see dad. Is he here?" I let go of them and we all sat in the living room.

"Last I heard, dad was taking Kai out to the fields to practice his water control." Nerida spoke softly and with a mature air, which fit her position as second oldest.

"Yea and dad said if they finished early then they would head over to help the dolphins with something! I wish I could have seen the dolphins too!" Mira pouted cutely which fit her role as the youngest of us.

Darya, the second youngest, just nodded her head at the information. "Mom also said that she would be back in two to four days."

I nodded and kissed all of their foreheads. Darya accepted it and smiled, Mira giggled and playfully wiped it away, and Nerida kissed my cheek in return. "Alright, thanks guys!" I swam off once again to the seaweed fields.

I got to the fields and spotted dad and Kai, the third oldest, standing in the middle. "Now Kai, think about the water as an extension of your arm. Use that extension to cut that rock over there in half." It took me a second to realize that the rock he was talking about was next to me.

Kai swung his arm and I quickly dashed out of the way with a manly yelp. "AHHHHHHHH!" The rock exploded as I hit the sandy ground. I heard both Kai and dad swim over towards me.

"Who in the seven seas was--- M/n? Are you alright?" Dad lifted me off the ground and wiped the sand out of my h/c hair. I coughed a bit and looked into dad's yellow eyes, that only become 'human' when a merperson matures.

"Hey dad, hey shark bait." I coughed a little and gave a lopsided smile. Kai only smiled and waved since he has been mute since birth.

We all swam over to a couple of rocks and sat down. "So m/n. Did you need something?" Dad rose a blue eyebrow as he stroked his blue beard in question. Dad had a very muscular and long yellow, green, and pink tail that only adult merpeople can develop. The older you are the more colors you gain but the max is six colors.

I ran a s/c webbed hand through my h/l h/c hair and sighed. "I need to ask you a question. Let's just say, hypothetically, that whenever I am in human form around someone, my um my merman features pop out. But whenever I am in merman form around this person my tail and scales become really shiny and bright. What exactly does it mean?"

My dad's jaw was dropped and Kai just tilted his head in confusion, like a small puppy. Dad snapped out of it and coughed into his hand. "Um, Kai? Why don't you um go practice a bit more, hm?" Kai nodded and swished his dark purple tail away. Dad grabbed my shoulder and gave me a serious look. "Son. Who exactly do you feel this around?"

"Um well I feel it around one of my best friends---"

"You feel it around Dylan?!?"

"What, no! It's---"




I growl in frustration and yell, "No it's my human friend, y/n!!" I panted as my voice echoes for a second. Dad just looked at me and I looked at him.

Dad blinked a few times and finally came back to the real world. "Oh. Well that's nice. Now all of that means----"

"Wait a second! You aren't mad that I have a female human friend?" I questioned him but he only laughed.

"Oh heavens no son! We merpeople make friends with the human folk all the time. We sometimes even fall in love with them, which brings me to my next point. As you know merpeople mate for life with only one mate. You only know that the person is your life partner when you go through exactly what you have around your good friend y/n. Which means that y/n is your destined one." Dad patted my shoulder as he gave me a soft smile.

"What? But, but.... How?!?!" I began to freak out but dad quickly hugged me and calmed me down.

"Don't panic, it's not the end of the world! Listen, you have two options: either you become human to stay with her forever or she becomes a mermaid to stay with you forever. Whichever you choose, I will still love you, my son." Dad and I hugged it out a bit more before I thanked him and swam back home.

Dad muttered something under his breath that I couldn't quite hear and I didn't stop and ask him about it.

"There is another option but let us hope, for your sake and mine, that you don't have to choose it."

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