Ending 2

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Author's POV

F/n froze as she processed what M/n had told her. 'He....he loves me?' F/n snapped back into reality when M/n grabbed her hand.

"I understand if this is confusing but I promise you that I---" M/n was cut off by F/n lunging at him and knocking them both to the ground.

"M/n! I love you too!" F/n gave a face splitting smile making M/n's e/c eyes widen. M/n hugged F/n to his chest and smiled towards the ocean.

"I did it Squish!"

"I'm so proud of you M/n! Wait until we tell our family."

M/n's eyes widened and he gently lifted F/n to her knees so he could sit up. "F/n. I-I love you but we have to make a decision."

F/n's smile died slightly but she remained happy. "What is it?"

M/n glanced to the ocean. He stood up and also helped F/n get to her feet. He held her hand and gave a closed mouth smile. "I'm....I'm a merman, F/n."

F/n gasped. 'He's right.' F/n gripped his hand tighter. "M/n. Please stay with me. I-I love you. I don't want to lose you." F/n's eyes watered slightly. "I'll do whatever it takes to stay with you, so please."

M/n pulled F/n back into his chest. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I'll......."

Time skip to two and a half years

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

F/n looked lovingly into M/n's e/c eyes. "I do."

M/n smiled down/up at his one and only. "And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

M/n chuckled, "I do."

The priest smiled and gently closed his book. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

M/n smiled and placed his hands on F/n's hips. But apparently F/n thought he was taking too long so she dipped him and kissed him right on the lips. The crowd went wild with cheers and laughter.

F/n let go of M/n and he stumbled to his feet. He looked dazed as he slurred, "Anyone want cake?"


Everyone danced and drank at the after party. Everyone congratulated the newly found couple.

As M/n sat in his chair, he couldn't help but think about how his family reacted when they learned about his decision to become human for her.

*flashback to a month after confession*

M/n held F/n's hands as he pulled her along through the ocean. F/n looked amaze at everything they passed by.

"Haha wait until you see our kingdom."

F/n giggled and silently thanked M/n for giving her a weird merperson candy that allowed her to breath and speak underwater.

After touring the kingdom for a couple of hours, they finally made it to M/n's home, the cave. M/n swam into the living room where he found Kai. "Ah, Kai! Where's everyone else?" Kai looked up from his book and smiled, showing off his razor sharp teeth.

Kai then looked shocked when he saw F/n. He looked even more shocked when he realized that she was in a bathing suit and that she had legs! Kai swam up to the both of them and gestured to her exaggeratedly. M/n laughed, "Don't worry Kai. This is what I'm here to talk to everyone about. Go round up everyone and bring them here, I promise I'll explain everything." Kai saluted M/n and swam off.

M/n led F/n to a couch and sat her down. "M/n who was that?"

M/n went to the kitchen and came back with merperson sweets. He set them on the table and swam to 'stand' next to F/n. "That was Kai, the third eldest. You'll meet all of my family in a sec."

Kai swam back into the room followed by four females and another male. They all stared wide eyed at F/n and slowly took their seats around the room. M/n cleared his throat and swam to the middle of the floor. "Um hi guys. I know this is weird but I'm sure dad has already told you that today I planned to confess to my mate today and well this is her!" M/n gestured back to F/n but since she couldn't understand him she only smiled and waved.

M/n's mother, Ara, swam in front of F/n and stared at her. She gently placed her webbed hands onto F/n's cheeks and observed her. Ara squealed and hugged F/n's face to her chest. "Ahhh my daughter in law is so adorable!" Ara swam up and began spinning F/n around.

F/n was suddenly snatched away from Ara and into the hands on M/n's sisters. Mira squished F/n's face between her hands, Nerida swam slow circles around F/n to analyze her, and Darya poked at F/n's arms and legs.

Mira pouted and swam into M/n's arms. "No! She's too pretty. She'll take big brother away from me!" M/n laughed and patted her back.

Nerida simply swam to M/n's side and gave a firm nod. Darya held F/n's leg and arm out and waved them around. "Look! She's human! The first one I've ever seen!"

M/n was going to speak but was cut off by his dad. "That's enough children." All three girls nodded and took their seats again. M/n swam to F/n and helped her steady herself again.

"Are you alright?" M/n gave a concerned look.

F/n took a deep breath and laughed, "Yea I'm fine but um. If you don't mind, can you guys speak English so I can participate?"

M/n slapped his forehead and chuckled. "Right, sorry." M/n held F/n's hand and swam back to the middle of the room. "Listen, I came here to ask for permission to.....to stay human with F/n." Ara gasped and covered her mouth.

Irving stood up and swam to the both of them. Irving spoke calmly, "Are you sure this is what you want, my son?"

M/n squeezed F/n's hand and nodded. Irving's face broke into a smile and he bear hugged the both of them. "Oh, my children! I'm so proud of you both!" Irving let them go and smiled. He turned to his wife and children and pushed M/n and F/n in front of him. "Introduce yourself dear."

F/n nodded and gave a nervous gulp. "Um. H-hello. I'm F/n Fl/n and I suppose I'm M/n's mate." She gave a nervous smile and squeezed M/n's hand.

Ara cleared her throat and stood up. She motioned for everyone to stand. "Ms. F/n. I hope you know what it means to become M/n's mate. You must only be fateful to him and him alone. You must also be prepared to become the next queen once Irving and I pass on the thrown---."

Ara gets cut off by M/n. "Actually mom. Since I decided to become human to stay with F/n I don't plan on taking the throne. I pass my rights on to Nerida." M/n spoke with a strong voice and clarity.

The entire room went silent until M/n's family all screamed 'what?!?!'

*flashback over*

M/n laughed as he remembered how they reacted but eventually agreed to let him go. He looked over to his and her families's table. They all sat together telling stories and such. They all got along quite well. He and F/n also agreed not to tell her family about them being merpeople.

F/n grabbed M/n's hand, snapping him out of his daze. "Would you care to dance Mr. Ml/n?"

M/n took her hand and stood from his seat. "Of course Mrs. Ml/n."

Two down, one to go! Just in case you guys forgot, bold words are spoken in m/n's birth tongue aka merspeak. I don't have a proper name for it but basically only animals (like fish) and other Merpeople can understand it.

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