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[chapter five]
|| amour ||

   [chapter five]|| amour ||

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Asta revived a message this morning. She checked her phone when she heard the familiar ringtone. It was from christoffer🖕🏼

She opened it and she made a look of confusion at the message . It read.

"I heard a rumor about you."

"What did you hear?" She responded.

"You're 'dating' that Erik guy from second year." He responded quickly.

She read the message and typed a reply. "Oh, I meant to tell you. Don't tell William, but yea it's true. Isn't that great."

She sent the message, she thought Chris would be happy for her, but when she checked the messages again he left her on read. She was so confused.

She shook it off, maybe he was having a bad day. She got ready for school and went to eat breakfast.


"So he's been ignoring you all day, you say?" Sana asked the distressed teenager.

She sighed before answering. "Yes, I don't know what's wrong with him I thought we were at a good point in our friendship." She said. Sana gave her a look.

"Friendship? What did you say he left you on read about? You and Erik?" She said. She had a good point, but no. They were just friends.

"I'm going to find him." She got up from the table and searched the school for him. She turned into the inside cafeteria and saw him sitting with some guys. She caught his eye and tried to wave him over. He ignored her.

Now she wasn't just annoyed, she was pissed. What the hell did she do?

She gave him a look as if to say "are you serious?" And walked away. She went into the hallway and spotted Erik. "Hey!" He said to her and he instantly had a smile on his face upon seeing his new girlfriend.

"Hey!" She smiled at him, interlocking their hands. They began to walk down the hallway and he proceeded to walk her to class. The bell rang and they ended up out side of her class, right on time.

"See you" he walked away, to go to his own class as she walked into her own.


Asta was finally home from school. She was upset, because Chris had clearly ignored her all day, for some reason unknown to her.

She called him. He didn't answer.

She jumped out of her window, and headed over to his house. Ready to figure out what is going on.


"Open the damn door, I know you're there!" She yelled as she banged on his door. She heard his footsteps get close to the door before the lock unlocked and he opened it.

"What are you doing here?" He had a sour tone. She didn't like that. She gave him a glare.

"That's all you're going to say to me? Really? You have been ignoring me all day for no reason and now you're mad at me? That's just perfect.!" She yelled at him.

He looked at her. "You know what Asta? If you didn't notice by now, you're not my friend. I don't want you as my friend. I never wanted you as a friend. That's not the way-" Asta had tears in her eyes.

"You're playing me or something. You don't care about me? You don't want me here? I'll leave, because I don't want to be somewhere where in not welcome." She stormed out of his house leaving him staring longingly at where she once stood. The first words to leave his mouth were.

"That's not the way I like you."


Asta was a mess when she showed up at her best friends doorstop. She knocked frantically until the door opened. Vilde stood there. "Asta? What happened?" She grabbed the brunette and lead her inside. She hugged her.

"Hey, It's okay. You're okay." She soothed her friend.

The night consisted of stories of what happened and more tears. And two girls, girls who you probably never imagined would stick together, they were together, they were there for each other. And that is all Asta needed.



Okay seriously I want to thank you all for 2K I'm seriously so happy and grateful for all of you.

Until next time

AMOUR (CHRIS SCHISTAD)Where stories live. Discover now