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[chapter seven]
|| amour ||

[chapter seven] || amour ||

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Chris pulled away from the hug and held her teary face in his hands. Once again, blue met brown. This time no one looked away.

"I'm sorry for barging in, I didn't know where else to go." Asta sighed. Chris nodded his head. "Don't be sorry, i should be saying I'm sorry." He scanned her face before continuing to speak.

"I didn't mean it, the other day-" he began before Asta cut him off. "It's okay."

"No, no it's not. I didn't mean it like that. I- " he began, not knowing how to explain this. She gave him a look, he couldn't read it.

"How did you mean it then? I want to know now." She raised her voice slightly and he knew why, she deserved answers.

"I never got to finish what I was saying. I was saying they I don't want you as my friend, I have never wanted you as my friend. I won't ever want that. I have always wanted more. Asta, I could never be anything but your friend, and it's hard for me." He breathed out. Asta was taken aback. She was at a loss for words. She did the only logical thing to do in that moment.

She grabbed one side of his face and kissed the other cheek. She pulled away and noticed how close their faces were. She looked into his eyes before looking down to his lips. She closed the gap.

Asta could not believe it, she was kissing Chris, and it felt, right. She felt safe there, in that moment with this person. She felt like she was going to be okay.

She once again pulled away, and he stood there with a large grin on his face. She gave him a smile. She placed her head on his neck and they stood there for a while.


The next day, Asta woke up at her house. She and Chris walked here and she went to sleep. She smiled as she thought about Chris. She wasn't sure what was going to happen there, but she was sure of one thing, she had feelings for Chris Schistad.

She got up from her bed and went into the kitchen, smiling still. "What's got you so smiley?" She heard a familiar voice call out from across the kitchen. "Nico, does William know you're back?" She said with disgust at her "brother". "Ah, William. No, haven't seen him."

And on que, Noora walked out of Williams room and Nico smiled, "hello lovely." Asta mentally face palmed. "Dear lord."


She arrived at school on time and walked towards the bathroom, when she felt an arm tug her away from it, into a empty classroom.

There stood Christoffer. He smiled and kissed her sweetly. She smiled back.

"I want to do something crazy and nobody can find out." She told him seriously.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked her, a smirk finding its way onto his face. She rolled her eyes at his attractive smirk.

"Well that depends, what do you want with me? Are you just using me as another fuck or is this really something?" She asked him.

He searched her face before answering truthfully. "Asta Magnusson, you're the first girl who ever made me feel like I was better than just a fuckboy, if you're asking if I'm using you, then no." She smiled.

"Then it's settled, but this has to be a secret, nobody can find out, especially not William." He nodded in agreement and intertwined their hands. The bell rang and they both ran out before anyone saw them leaving.


"Hey, about this morning-" Noora started. Asta cut her off. "Don't worry about that." She said back, as the other girls approached the two. "Hey Asta, where were you this morning?" Vilde asked her. She thought of a quick lie. "I was talking to Ms. Olsen."

They nodded and she sighed of relief while they began talking again, changing the subject off of her whereabouts .

They were currently outside of the school, waiting for the final bell to ring. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and she picked it up. "So my girlfriend is a cheating slut?" It was from Erik.

"Ex girlfriend, whoops?" She blocked his number and turned her phone away. She realized something. How the hell did he know she "cheated".


Asta burst through her door and saw Nico and William fighting. "Cut it out, you're both wrong blah blah." She walked away and into her room. She walked in and saw Eva in there. "Uh, Eva?" She said. Eva turned around with tears on her face.

"What's wrong?" She ran up and hugged her. She cried before suddenly grabbing Asta's arm.

"If I tell you, please don't judge me. But, I have a crush on penetrator Chris and I saw him going into a classroom with a girl this morning, and Erik said they're dating." Asta was shocked. "Erik? You are friends?"

"Not really, he saw me staring at them. But am I crazy, for liking Chris?" She asked.

"No, Eva everyone likes someone, it's okay."

Eventually Eva had to go and Asta had to go  to Chris's.


"We're not even together one day, and there is already rumors about me and a girl. Damn" he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. Asta grabbed his hand. "We'll get through this." She smiled softly, trying to convince not only him, but also herself.




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