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[chapter sixteen]
|| amour ||

[chapter sixteen]|| amour ||

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The wind blew Asta's hair as she stood by the lake. She stared intently as the water rippled, carrying all of the wonders of today away. She wished she could do that, just be so calm, push everything aside. She felt as though lately the universe wasn't on her side. She felt as though she wasn't good enough, that she messed everything up.

She felt her phone buzz again, breaking her out of her thoughts. She realized a tear was going down her face, and she quickly wiped it. She pulled out her phone, and saw the same unknown number on her phone that was antagonizing her.

Unknown: glad you finally dropped that Chris.

Me: leave me alone.

Unknown: I don't appreciate your tone.

Me: I don't give a rats ass.


Asta read over the messages. Why would someone do this to her. She shook her head and sat down at the lake, humming a sweet melody to herself.


Somewhere in the city, Chris Schistad sat alone. He sat on a park bench, just thinking. He thought about her. Nothing else. He didn't know how they got so messed up. Maybe it was because they were looking for a way out, they didn't want to let anyone in.

He knew why she let him go. He knew why he had to let her go. He knew why he had to listen to her yell at him. He knew that it didn't matter if he was unhappy, only if she was. He knew that he was a fuckboy, she knew that, but that didn't stop her. He knew that was why he pushed her away. It scared him. The thing that scared him the most was the feeling he got when he was around her. The feeling that she and him were the only people in the universe, the feeling that he loved her. Chris Schistad loved Asta Magnusson.


Asta finally got up, wiping her pants for any leaves. She walked up to the sidewalk, going back to her house. She thought about him all the time. She knew that they were bad together. She couldn't help to think that they needed each other, but she knew that this was for the best.

One was she reached her house, she walked inside. She had been so gloomy lately. She went into her room, changing her clothes into a more appropriate outfit for the day, and texted her best friends on their group chat.

Asta: hey, anyone want to hang out?

Vilde 💖: not right now, A.

Sana (mom) : im busy, hun.

Noora 👸🏼: aww, sure!

Eva 👯: damn, I can't!

Chris(Berg) : im bout to get drunk,
oh wait, I already am.

Asta: oh haha, and yay Noora :)


"So what do you want to do?" The brunette girl asked the blonde. The blonde hummed and tapped her chin to be dramatic.

"Hmm, i don't know. What ever could we do?" She laughed. Asta three a pillow at her. "You know that annoys me when people talk like that!" She whined.

Noora continued to laugh at her friend, who now had gotten into the fridge and was eating Williams Captain Crunch. "So seriously!! What should we do!" Asta yelled out, with food stuffed in her mouth.

Noora covered her eyes and yelled out, "Oh my, chew your food!" Asta laughed at her and fell off of the counter in the process. "Damn this floor is hard!" She yelled.

Asta put the cereal in the fridge and grabbed Noora's hand and lead her out of the apartment. "Now we will go to.. there!" She pointed and turned to see what she was pointing at. She blindly chose the movies. "Yesssss, let's go!" She yelled, still pulling Noora.

"So what's your favorite part?" Asta asked the blonde who was shaking her head at her friend, who in the middle of the movie yelled "THAT BITCH IS A SNAKE!" At the screen.

"Well, I don't even remember what happened with you talking over the entire thing!" Noora said. Asta laughed, again. "You love me though!" She said. And Noora replied with, "uh huh."

Asta pointed at her and laughed. She saw a familiar black car parked across the street. She immediately stopped laughing. "Noora, do not turn around. The black car that followed me a while ago. It's here." She told Noora who stopped smiling and they conversation became serious. "Stay calm."

Asta got another text. She opened her phone.

Unknown: i didn't see you at your house, so I found you.



oh fuck! There is only 4 more parts left of part one of this book. I'm super excited!! And this book is getting happy and goofy again for some chapters, but the stalker situation seems to be getting worse..

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